Security and society

The Mission

Actions in this activity are of a cross-cutting nature and should be conducted by interacting between natural sciences, technology and other sciences, in particular political, social and human sciences. The focus will be on targeted cultural and socio-economic, as well as systemic risk analyses, scenario building and other research activities related to subjects such as: Security as an evolving concept (comprehensive analyses of security-related needs, in order to define the main functional requirements to address the fluctuating security landscape); interdependencies, vulnerabilities due to disasters and new threats (e.g. in the field of terrorism and organised crime); the attitude of citizens in crisis situations (e.g. perception of terrorism and crime, behaviour of crowds, public understanding of civil rights and socio-cultural forms of protection and acceptance of security (and safety) controls); preparedness and readiness of the citizen in case of terrorist attacks; issues related to communication between authorities and citizens in crisis situations; raising public awareness for threats; citizens’ guidance on the internal security advisory and assistance systems in the Member States and at EU level; behavioural, psychological and other relevant analyses of terrorist offenders; ethical issues with respect to personal data protection and integrity of information. Research will also be directed into developing statistical indicators on crime to permit assessments of changes in criminality.

Areas of research in FP7

Sub-activity 10.6. Security and society

  • Area 10.6.1. Citizens, media and security
  • Area 10.6.2. Organisational structure and cultures of public users
  • Area 10.6.3. Foresight, scenarios and security as an evolving concept
  • Area 10.6.4. Security economics
  • Area 10.6.5. Ethics and justice
Policy background

Selected projects
All FP Security Research Projects

Related links
DG Enterprise and Industry - Security Research
European Security Research and Innovation Forum (ESRIF)
DG Justice
Research Socio-economic Sciences and Humanities (SSH) website

Workshop on Societal Security R+D
Brussels, Belgium
1 July 2010

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