Security of the citizens

The Mission

Actions in this activity will concentrate on threat aspects of potential incidents of a transnational importance, such as offenders, equipment and resources used by them as well as mechanisms of attack. A series of capabilities are required to cope with this mission area, many of which primarily relate to the phases ‘identify’, ‘prevent’ and ‘prepare’ and ‘respond’.

The ambition is both to avoid an incident and to mitigate its potential consequences. To build up the required capabilities with the aim of providing civil protection, including bio-security and protection against risks arising from crime and terrorist attacks, emphasis will be on
issues such as: threat (e.g. Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear, CBRN) awareness (e.g. intelligence gathering, collection, exploitation, sharing; alerting), detection (e.g. hazardous substances, explosives, agents B or C, individuals or groups, suspect behaviour), identification and authentication (e.g. of persons, type and amount of substances), prevention (e.g. control of access and movements, with respect to financial resources, control of financial structures), preparedness (e.g. risk assessment; CBRN protection, control of intentionally released biological and chemical agents; assessment of levels for strategic reserves such as manpower, skills, equipment, consumables; with respect to large scale events, etc.), neutralisation (e.g. missiles, communications, vehicles, non-destructive systems) and containment of effects of terrorist attacks and crime, law enforcement data processing.

Areas of activity in FP7

Sub-activity 10.1. Increasing the Security of Citizens

  • Area 10.1.1. Organised crime
  • Area 10.1.2. Intelligence against terrorism
  • Area 10.1.3. Explosives
  • Area 10.1.4. Ordinary crime and Forensic
  • Area 10.1.5. CBRN Protection
  • Area 10.1.6. Information Gathering

It should be noted that the intelligence against terrorist activities is mainstreamed across many other areas.

Policy background
 CBRN Case Study (2011) (.pdf, 386 kb)

Selected projects
All FP Security Research Projects

Related links
European Security Research and Innovation Forum (ESRIF)
DG Enterprise and Industry - Security Research
European Network of Forensic Science Institutes
European Crime Prevention Network
DG Home Affairs


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