Security of infrastructures

The Mission

Actions in this activity will concentrate on targets of an incident or disaster of transnational importance, examples for infrastructures include large scale event sites, significant sites of political (e.g. parliament buildings) or symbolic (e.g. particular monuments) value and utilities being those for energy (including oil, electricity, gas), water, transport (including air, sea, land), communication (including broadcasting), financial, administrative, public health, etc. A series of capabilities are required to cope with this mission area, many of which primarily relate to the phases ‘protect’ but also ‘prepare’. The ambition is both to avoid an incident and to mitigate its potential consequences. To build up the required capabilities, emphasis will be on issues such as: analysing, modelling and assessing vulnerabilities of physical infrastructure and its operations; securing existing and future public and private critical networked infrastructures, systems and services with respect to their physical, logical and functional side; control and alert systems to allow for quick response in case of an incident; protection against cascading effects of an incident, defining and designing criteria to build new secure infrastructures and utilities.

Areas of activity in FP7

Sub-activity 10.2. Increasing the Security of infrastructures and utilities

  • Area 10.2.1. Design, planning of buildings and urban areas
  • Area 10.2.2. Energy, transport, communication grids
  • Area 10.2.3. Surveillance 
  • Area 10.2.4. Supply chain
  • Area 10.2.5. Cyber crime
Policy background

Selected projects
All FP Security Research Projects

Related links
DG Enterprise and Industry - Security Research
European Network and Information Security Agency (ENISA)
European Security Research and Innovation Forum (ESRIF)
Aviation Security
Council of Europe : Cybercrime
DG Home Affairs: Cybercrime

Workshop on Research for Aviation Security
Brussels, Belgium
11 June 2010

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