Crisis Management

The Mission

Actions in this activity will focus on technologies providing an overview of, and support for diverse emergency management operations, such as in civil protection (including natural disasters and industrial accidents), humanitarian aid and rescue tasks. A series of capabilities are required to cope with this mission area, many of which primarily relate to the phases ‘prepare’, ‘respond’ and ‘recover’. The ambition is to mitigate the consequences of the incident. To build up the required capabilities, emphasis will be on issues such as: general organisational and operational preparedness to cope with security incidents (e.g. interorganisational coordination and emergency communication, assessment of strategic reserves, strategic inventories, etc.), crisis management (e.g. integrated means of alert and management, assessment of the incident and priority requirements, integration of heterogeneous actors and resources, evacuation and isolation, neutralisation and containment of effects of terrorist attacks and crime, etc.), intervention in hostile environment, emergency humanitarian aid and the management of the consequences and cascading effects of a security incident (e.g. the functioning of the public health care system, business continuity, confidence building measures, restoring the disrupted or destroyed functioning of society, etc).

Areas of activity in FP7

Sub-activity 10.4. Restoring security and safety in the case of crisis

  • Area 10.4.1. Preparedness, prevention, mitigation and planning
  • Area 10.4.2. Response
  • Area 10.4.3. Recovery 
  • Area 10.4.4. CBRN Response
Policy background
 CBRN Case Study (2011) (.pdf, 386 kb)

Selected projects
All FP Security Research Projects

Related links
DG Enterprise and Industry - Security Research
European Security Research and Innovation Forum (ESRIF)
DG Home Affairs: Crisis management
European civil protection


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