Archiv Koordinator sucht Partner Energie
LASTBEG - Large scale tool for power balancing of electric grids
Ersatzpartner für genehmigtes FP7 Projekt dringend gesucht!

This project will demonstrate an optimisation of renewable energy supplies (RES), primarily wind energy sourced onshore and offshore, with an existing pumped storage power plant (PSPP). It will integrate smart meters with power demand and supply forecasting to enable consistency of power supply in a small European country (Lithuania). The lessons learnt from this demonstration project will be disseminate directly to the participants in this project and indirectly through them to major global Transmission System Operators (TSOs), including Iberdrola (also the world’s largest wind energy producer), ensuring a two way exchange of best practice. This work will therefore enable a greater penetration of RES as part of the drive to meet the EC’s 20:20:20 objectives.

Profile of Partner sought:
- Transmission Service Operator (TSO) operating on a national scale.
- Access to and expertise in national electricity transmission grids.
- Access to RES preferably off-shore wind power. General expertise in renewable energy.
- Access to PSPP facilities. General expertise in PSPP.
- Access to grid infrastructure to link RES and PSPP.
- Access to distribution networks to facilitate implementation of smart meters.
- Excellence in electrical engineering to implement the new asset solution at the plant and grid infrastructure.

Bei Interesse schicken Sie bitte rasch eine Expression of Interest samt Ihrer Expertisebeschreibung direkt an die nachstehende Kontaktperson.


T +33-(0)-682900-887
[email protected]

 Konsortium (.pdf, 28 kb)
 Projektbeschreibung (.pdf, 42 kb)
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