Archiv Koordinator sucht Partner Energie

Smart Optimization of Pricing of Energy Consumption - SOPEC
Smart distribution energy networks
Ziel des Projektes soll die Hard- wie Softwareseitige Entwicklung einer Lösung zur Auswahl des günstigsten Strompreises sein. Dieses automatisierte Smart Pricing System richtet sich an Unternehmen wie privater Energieverbraucher. Für das Projekt sind wir aktuell vor allem auf der Suche nach Energieversorgern/Netzbetreibern als Anwendungspartner.


 Peter Brandl
Silicon Saxony Management GmbH
T +49-351-8925-802
F +49-351-8925-801
[email protected]

UK manufacturer is looking for partners in the field of Solar Thermal Energy Storage
ENERGY.2011.4.1-3: Technologies for High Density Chemical Storage of Thermal Energy

Abstract: A UK manufacturer and supplier of renewable energy technologies with a high level of technical expertise in Solar Thermal Technologies and other Heating and Cooling related Technologies would would like to build a collaborative EU project on the development of Technologies for High Density Chemical Storage of Thermal Energy. Partners are sought to develop and enhance new or existing heat storage technologies and to evaluate developed systems over a 3 year period.

Weitere Details siehe:


 Marshall  Addidle
Invest Northern Ireland
T +44-2890-449-363
[email protected]
OPAC38 - a french social housing company is looking for partners
EeB.ENERGY.2011.8.1-1 : Demonstration of very low energy new buildings

OPAC38 (Public Office for Country Planning and Construction), is a Social Housing Company located in Isère Department (French territorial division), where it is the first Housing Company.
OPAC38 earns and manages 23 000 dwellings, builds an average of 300 new dwellings per year, and retrofits an average of 500 dwellings among its real estate every year.
OPAC38 employs a staff of nearly 500 persons, shared out over a Head Office in Grenoble and seven territorial Agencies.


 Benoît Jehl
T +33-476-205-074
[email protected]
 Michel Gibert
T +33-476-205-140
[email protected]

 Opac38 (.pdf, 149 kb)
UK University is looking for partners for an FP7 application
EeB.ENERGY.2011.8.1-1: Demonstration of very low energy new buildings
A UK University is looking for partners for an FP7 application under the topic EeB.ENERGY.2011.8.1-1: Demonstration of very low energy new buildings. They seek partners to join the consortium, which will seek to demonstrate energy efficency in schools or social housing. The partners should be local authority or housing association, construction companies and university/consultancies for design support and monitoring/evaluation.
Weitere Details siehe:

PROJECT MODERATE: Model for low energy buildings across European countries
EeBENERGY.2011.8.1-1 Demonstration of very low energy new buildings

Project description:
The project MODERATE (Model for low energy buildings across European countries) intents developing “cost effective and energy efficient 2020 model building”. It also aims demonstrating the best way to replicate and disseminate sustainable constructions across Europe.
As a first step, the project MODERATE will support an array of demonstration buildings (in Switzerland), which will be the lab for innovative building design, integrated energy system, energy management, etc. Based on the lessons learnt from this short term realisation, a second or a even third array of edifices will be build in partner countries (East-Europe), with the aim to validate the best practices catalogue of measures and economic feasibility of LEB2020(1) model.

Partners sought:
Local coordinator (SME), Real-estate promoters, event. University
Planair seeks out for reliable and professional partners East-European countries. In the frame of this proposal, the potential partners must meet the following expectations:
• To be in a position to supply the MODERATE proposal with a realistic large construction project. This means a project which still is in an early stage but which has a high realisation probability.
• To be able to confirm the integration of the construction project in due time (commitment)
• To agree to be in charge of the local organisation and to follow the milestones. This includes: description of the building project, drawing up of proposal chapters and forms (concerning at least the local work packages), search and commitment of local partners (at least a property developer and possibly University department) and registration of the companies on EU websites.


 Nicolas Macabrey
Planair SA, CH,
T +41-32-933 88-40
[email protected]

 MODERATE (.pdf, 92 kb)
From biomass to alcohols with improved processes using membrane reactors
ENERGY.2011.3.7-1 Development of new or improved sustainable bio-energy carriers

Project description: The project would aim to develop methanol (as bio-energy carrier) production from biomass, including a variety of sources. In a first step syngas will be obtained by gasification and in a second step methanol will be produced. The project will cover a variety of feedstocks (from lignocellulosic crops to urban waste). Methanol production will be made in a membrane reactor, which will allow higher conversion and lower operating pressure than a conventional reactor, making the process suitable for a decentraliced production. Pilot scale testing will be made as part of the project.

Partner sought:
Engineering company with capacity to design a methanol plant or a supplier of methanol plants. We are seeking for SMEs or Large Companies with expertise in the field of designing or building of methanol plants. The requested partner should be able to provide with the design of a methanol pilot plant or a turnkey pilot plant adapted to the characteristics of a membrane methanol reactor able to operate with larger conversion than conventional reactors at a low-rate operating pressure. While other partners will provide with the design of a gasification plant and also the development of membranes suitable for such membrane reactor, the requested company will design a flexible plant to acommodate with a variable composition of syngas and different operating conditions in the membrane reactor. Other roles of the company can be proposed.


 Jorge Molina
Aragon Institute of Engineering Research-Spain,
T +34-67-23340-36
[email protected]

 Membrane Reactors (.pdf, 50 kb)
Development of fuel cell (FC) based residential Combined Heat and Power systems (CHP)
FP7 FCH-JU-2010-1 Call

A Slovene company is looking for project partners to apply for the FCH-JU-2010 call. The projects’ goal is to develop economically and technological ly feasible fuel cell based residential CHP energy system with renewable energy sources and connection to electrical and thermal power grid implementing central H2 generation. Project partners capable developing specific FC CHP adapted subsystems such as FC stack, heat management system, and hydrogen storage equipment are sought.

A Slovene company acting as a system integrator of fuel cells based systems is looking for project partners. Company is a Joint Technology Initiative (JTI) NEW-IG member and will apply the FCH-JU-2010 call. The projects’ main goal is to develop economically and technologically feasible fuel cell based residential CHP energy system with renewable energy sources and connection to electrical and thermal power grid implementing central H2 generation.
The objective of a project is to develop a proof of concept prototype of residential trigeneration CHP system connected to electrical power grid
with renewable energy sources. Since renewable energy sources pose the challenge that the production depends on external factors, such as wind speed and direction, the amount of sunlight, etc. hydrogen will be used as an energy vector capable to provide and store energy for efficient residential energy management system. Residential CHP will act as Energy Consumer and Energy Producer in the electrical and thermal power grid requir ing the design of appropriate interface for connecting residential CHP into smart grid network.

Current and Potential Domain of Application: Residential or/and industrial based CHP systems.

Partner sought:
Industry, academy, research organisations.
Specific area of activity of the partner: Component suppliers / developers of fuel cells subsystems (stacks, heat management systems, hydrogen storage equipment).

Task to be performed of the partner sought: Development of a specific FC CHP adapted subsystems such as FC stack, heat management system, hydrogen storage equipment.

Please send EoIs before the end of September to e-mail: [email protected] .


 Marjeta Trobec
Jozef Stefan Institute
[email protected]
LASTBEG - Large scale tool for power balancing of electric grids
Ersatzpartner für genehmigtes FP7 Projekt dringend gesucht!

This project will demonstrate an optimisation of renewable energy supplies (RES), primarily wind energy sourced onshore and offshore, with an existing pumped storage power plant (PSPP). It will integrate smart meters with power demand and supply forecasting to enable consistency of power supply in a small European country (Lithuania). The lessons learnt from this demonstration project will be disseminate directly to the participants in this project and indirectly through them to major global Transmission System Operators (TSOs), including Iberdrola (also the world’s largest wind energy producer), ensuring a two way exchange of best practice. This work will therefore enable a greater penetration of RES as part of the drive to meet the EC’s 20:20:20 objectives.

Profile of Partner sought:
- Transmission Service Operator (TSO) operating on a national scale.
- Access to and expertise in national electricity transmission grids.
- Access to RES preferably off-shore wind power. General expertise in renewable energy.
- Access to PSPP facilities. General expertise in PSPP.
- Access to grid infrastructure to link RES and PSPP.
- Access to distribution networks to facilitate implementation of smart meters.
- Excellence in electrical engineering to implement the new asset solution at the plant and grid infrastructure.

Bei Interesse schicken Sie bitte rasch eine Expression of Interest samt Ihrer Expertisebeschreibung direkt an die nachstehende Kontaktperson.


T +33-(0)-682900-887
[email protected]

 Konsortium (.pdf, 28 kb)
 Projektbeschreibung (.pdf, 42 kb)
WIAS - The Weierstrass Institute for Applied Analysis and Stochastics
SP1-JTI-FCH.2009.2.4: Improved solid state H2 storage systems

Hydrogen Storage in Hydrides

Our focus concerns the thermodynamic modelling, mathematical analysis and simulations of storage problems in crystal lattices with special emphasis to understand and control the evolution of the storage process and accompanying hysteretic phenomena.

Currently we study the storage of hydrogen in metals and the storage of lithium in the cathode of modern lithium-ion batteries. Characteristic for both problems is the appearance of phase transitions and large changes of the crystal volume leading to strong coupling of diffusion and mechanical stresses.

The current model for hydrogen storage is set up for the metal magnesium, because here a solid basis of thermodynamic and chemical data is available. The model embodies the dissociation of molecular gas at the metal surface, the diffusion and formation of MgH2 in the crystal and the appearance of mechanical stresses due to local volume changes of up to 30%. It is shown that the process cycle and the hysteresis in the pressure versus hydrogen content plot is strongly influenced by mechanical effects.

Within the framework of the corresponding storage problem in lithium-ion batteries, the research group has identified the crucial phenomena that influence the storage time and capacity of the battery.

Keywords: hydrogen storage, hydrides, modelling, thermodynamics, phase transition, simulation, mathematical analysis


Dr. Torsten Köhler
T +49-30-2 03 72-582
[email protected]
Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Dreyer
T +49-30-2 03 72-537
[email protected]

 WIAS (.pdf, 39 kb)
Proposal on the reduction of thermal needs for firing ceramic wall and floor tiles

The company is a raw material supplier of the ceramic industry and has a long-term commitment to promote a sustainable approach in the value chain.
They are looking for partners within the ceramics industry or other sectors to set up or join a proposal whose core content or a subset would aim at reducing the thermal needs for firing ceramic wall and floor tiles.

Description: The ceramic products have a very great durability and the energy they require (as well as their carbon footprint) during their use and recycling are very low when compared to all the alternative solutions. However, ceramics products are manufactured by firing and, therefore, ceramic products at the beginning of their life are consuming energy and producing greenhouse effect gases. The total balance-sheet of the energy intake and the carbon footprint is however positive for the full life cycle and ceramic solutions are well in line with sustainable development approaches and requirements. The step to be improved is at the beginning of the life cycle during manufacturing. The potential improvement is actually rather large and two research paths can be explored :
1) To improve the thermal effectiveness of the processes
2) To decrease the thermal needs while firing
The first path related to the thermal effectiveness of the processes has been well studied. The second path concerning the reduction of the thermal needs while firing is therefore proposed as key proposal content.
This path is more difficult to investigate and there are important potential improvements to achieve. Thus the proposed idea is to focus initially on the ceramic wall and floor tile, since it represents the largest volumes and therefore the highest market impact.
The key content could be summarized as : reduction of the thermal needs for firing ceramic tiles either by decreasing the firing temperatures or by using less energy demanding raw materials.
The project is expected to gather partners across the ceramics industry value chain.

Partners requested:
RTD Organisation: Innovative paths to decrease the firing temperatures, Innovative paths to use raw materials consuming less energy.
Industry/SMEs: Suppliers of enamels and raw materials for the ceramic tile industry
Industry/SMEs: Technology suppliers for the Ceramics (material preparation, pressing, firing)
Industry/SMEs: Ceramics manufacturers


DI Siegfried Loicht 
T +43 (0)5 7755 - 4304
F +43 (0)5 7755 - 94300
[email protected]
Mr. Christian Dubarry
Oseo – Entreprise Europe Sud Ouest France
T +33-5-56 48 46-46
[email protected]

ESSCCAPE: Energy Saving Software based on Cloud Computing for Adjustable Processing Environments
ICT-2009.6.3: ICT for Energy Efficiency

The proposal aims at:

  • developing an integrated solution to monitor and control the energy consumption of all the Cloud Nodes of a Datacenter.
  • taking advantage of all the available information: energy consumption ratings of all the components, current wokload in each Cloud Node, data rates, computational resources location, etc.
  • dynamically adapting the active hardware to the needs in terms of computing and communication resources which are required by the running services.
  • monitoring and controlling all the resources located in all the datacenters connected to the Energy Efficiency Service, choosing between “the Greenest” resources.

Parter sought:

  • Energy Company
  • Hardware manufacturer
  • Governmental Agency
  • Operating System Manufacturer/Linux Distributor
  • Telecommunications Operator


DI Siegfried Loicht 
T +43 (0)5 7755 - 4304
F +43 (0)5 7755 - 94300
[email protected]
Marta García Nuñez
ADEuropa Foundation
T +34-983-214-792
[email protected]

 ESSCCAPE (.pdf, 163 kb)
OSM-DAN Israel sucht Partner
ENERGY.2009.2.1.2: Solar Photovoltaics: Manufacturing and product issues for thin-film photovoltaics

Thin-film PV has a very high potential for cost reduction if materials and manufacturing can be improved by intensive and effective R&D on the fundamental science and production technology. The challenges facing thin films are to be found mainly in the realm of up-scaling production capacity. The global production capacity of thin films is expected to reach 4.2 GWp/year in 2010 and 10 GWp/ year in 2012. It is being installed mainly in Japan, the USA and Europe. Europe already has excellent thin-film R&D infrastructure and a number of thin-film factories.
To improve module prices, progress is needed on three fronts: the performance of the modules (efficiency, or W/m2), their direct manufacturing cost (€/m2), and increased volume production. It is direct manufacturing cost ($/m2)
Except R&D, Quality Assurance and monitoring metrology could reduce the direct manufacturing costs of TFPV for the existing products. However these processes are still in their infancy for the TFPV manufactures.

This project proposes to overcome these limitations by integrating and optimizing a novel system –CONIN - to include and in-line monitoring and inspection techniques for the main processes within the TFPV production line. By introducing and validating CONIN for the manufacturing process the project is aiming to reduce materials, energy use, achieve higher yields, and improve the overall economics of the TFPV.
The CONIN is concentrating in monitoring and controlling main processes within the production of TFPV: Transparent Conductive Oxide TCO deposition, Laser Scribing and cell area.

Partners requested:
- Manufactuirng TFPV Control  systems/devices
- TF PV Manufacturer
- En uder of TFPV for energy supply


Dr. Pnina Dan
T +972-54-45670-24
[email protected]

 PV thin film (.pdf, 17 kb)
Coordinator of TransHeat Concerto project seeks an industrial partner

Coordinator of TransHeat Concerto project seeks an industrial partner (including SME) from a country other than Switzerland or France:

Supplier or producer of thermal pumps, solar panels or particular building materials or other. This partner should test, within the framework of the project TransHEaT, an innovative technology in a real situation, but also in parallel may supply more conventional technologies.

Project focus: improvement of two contiguous communities on the French-Swiss border between Geneva and Annemasse. These two communities are undertaking real-estate projects with ambitious goal in term of heat consumption which would meet their needs mainly by renewable energies (geothermal + ORC, gasification of wood for cogeneration, solar panels). These two communities (who could be likened to a single cross-border community) will balance their energy use through a network of exchange of heat and the classic electricity network

Existing partners: LENI-EPFL, CUEPE-UNIGE, LEEA-EIG, Prioriterre, EDMS office


 Guillaume Ferraris
[email protected]
REBAW - Renewable electricity generation from biogas produced by agro-industrial wastes
ENERGY.2008.2.2.2: High-efficiency medium-to-large scale electricity generation from biomass and waste

The general aim of the present proposal is to promote the energy valorisation of wastes and residues arising from agro-industrial cattle farms and slaughter-houses, also together with some agricultural products (energy crops).
The technology considered is the biogas production by anaerobic digestion of "fresh biomass" and its utilisation for the combined production of electric energy with increased net electric efficiency and heat in co-generation engines specifically designed for using of such a fuel.
The choice of the most proper technologies, the location and the sizing of the plants and the agronomic assessment of the final residues of the process (stabilized muds) are the most relevant problems to be overcome in order to guarantee the technical and economic feasibility of the initiatives taken into account by the project.
In particular, a demonstrative-scale plant will be built near the slaughter-house of Orvieto, a small town in Central Italy, based on a combination of innovative technologies, that will be considered as a "model system" suitable for the participant countries as well as other ones, depending on specific technical and economic evaluations, market researches and recognition of both technical and non-technical barriers existing in each country carried out by the partners.


Dr. Vito Pignatelli
T +39-06-30484-506
[email protected]

 REBAW (.pdf, 45 kb)
BioWEG - Development of integrated solutions for the electricity generation from biomass and hazardous waste
ENERGY.2008.2.2.2 : High-efficiency medium-to-large scale electricity generation from biomass and waste.

The project consists on the development and implementation of power generation pilot plant using a plasma bazed Brazilian technology for enhanced electricity production from biomass.

In order to finalize the consortium set up, they are searching for a (Synthesis gas) Turbine manufactor and an Electricity Distributor company in Europe.


Mme Amandine Molin
Péna Environement
T +33-1-44 71-9393
[email protected]

 BioWEG (.pdf, 23 kb)
Leuven Project

KEMA, an international consultancy organisation in the field of energy and environment, together with a Belgium community, intends to submit a project proposal for the CONCERTO subsidy call for the European Union.  

KEMA and the Belgium community Leuven intend to submit a project proposal in this call. The project in Leuven aims to redevelop an industrial site around the concepts of demand side management, sustainable energy and urban convenience. The impact of the project in Leuven will be significant as replication can be expected in many urban redevelopment projects.

The Leuven Project is looking for:
- two associated communities
- a research organisation that can assist in research activities concerning the impact (sustainability, CO2) of the bio-oils (Jatropha) which will be used in the cogeneration plant.

These partners should be located in Europe (Belgium and the Netherlands excluded). The EU again values very much the participation of new member states, especially from Eastern-Europe.

Associated communities that are interested in this project will follow the development of the project and learn the attractiveness of the several technologies and concepts used. The associated communities should have an overlap in interest and should show ambitions to implement similar technologies or activities within their community.
The reserach tasks related to the bio-oil are not exactly defined yet. This can be discussed with interested parties.

The ConcertoIII call offers partners the possibilities to work together with other ambitious European communities and organizations. The project and contact network offered enables knowledge exchange.


Mrs Caroline Faasen
KEMA Nederland B.V.
T +31-26-356 -2376
[email protected]

 Leuven (.pdf, 54 kb)

The objective of the project Micropolis is to show original approaches and initiatives in 3 small communities (20 to 50,000 inhabitants) in Europe integrating in well defined areas of the cities:

  • new eco-neiborhouds with very low energy consumption (or passiv house) showing also financing mechanisms for an acceptable cost. Some beyond of state of the art solutions in buildings have to be tested
  • very efficient refurbiched/retrofitted building showing high energy efficient performances (at least equal to European Building Directive of 2010)
  • Integration of renewable energies for green electricity, heating/cooling allowing increasing substantially the percentage of renewables. Some beyond of state of the art renewable solutions have to be tested
  • Integration of novel and innovative energy cost effective management solutions allowing reducing energy costs and improving quality of life.
  • Exchanges of best practices and solutions among the three communities in order to accelerate integration of best ideas in different situations.
  • Realisation of other studies able to improve methodologies or social aspects (acceptability, comfort quality of life…)

The final aim is to attain the common objective fixed by the 3 communities of reducing C02 emissions at 70% until 2030 showing that this could be attainable by also small towns with specific solutions adapted to this size of towns.


Mr. Kosta Skarvelakis
T +33-14-1491-305
[email protected]
Bourgoin-Jallieu City Project

Bourgoin-Jallieu located in Isère French Department, in-between Lyon and Grenoble, has approximately 24000 inhabitants.
Bourgoin-Jallieu implements several ongoing actions to fulfil a sustainable development policy. In the energy field for instance, a Local Climate Plan is under construction. Furthermore, an OPATB (Opération Programmée d’Amélioration Thermique des batiments - Planned Process for Buildings Thermal Properties Improvement) started in January 2008 is planned to be carried on. The OPATB process aims to support energy efficiency in existing buildings and to stimulate the market for renewable energies through training and financial support toward real estates stakeholders.

Located in the north of Bourgoin-Jallieu, the district is separated from the town by both Bourbre River and A43 highway. Bourgoin-Jallieu 1/4 inhabitants live there (~5700 inhabitants). A highly social district: 64% of dwellings are social housings (1380 dwellings) and 17% of inhabitants are unemployed. There are only a few shops and public facilities on site, and often they are not well desserved. Furthermore, the urban spaces are not really organised and are poor from an architectural point of view.

In order to give a chance or second life to this district, the town plan a renewal district project based on:

  • Local commercial activity reorganisation
  • Housing diversification, with demolition (99 dwellings), new constructions (around 200 dwellings) and refurbishment (585 dwellings)
  • Connection improvement to the city centre


Mr. Sébastien MAUNAS
T +33-474-283-505
[email protected]
Mr.  Benoît JEHL
T +33-476-205-074
[email protected]

 Bourgoin-Jallieu (.pdf, 224 kb)
Carballo City Council, Spain sucht Partner
CONCERTO Communities: the way to the future

Project Objectives:
Collaborative projects (FP7) are objective driven research projects aiming at developing new knowledge, new technology, products, and that may include scientific coordination, demonstration activities or sharing of common resources for research in order to improve European competitiveness or to address major societal needs.
Several entities at local and regional level from Spain will promote a project, in the framework of the Concerto Initiative (FP7), aiming to restore houses and urban spaces from residential areas by means of implementing energy efficiency systems. This action will demand the installation of renewable energies dispositive to provide electric energy and carry out initiatives of energy saving promotion.

Expected Results:
• To create an independent unit of energy consumption through improved energy efficiency and installation of renewable energy systems in depressed areas, at a social and economic level.
• Ensure the sustainable development of the local community.
• Improve citizens quality of life by reducing energy consumption and the corresponding costs.
• Promote the touristic visibility of municipalities focused on the renewable energies mechanisms.

• Development of a demonstration and dissemination net for renewable energies over three axes: Demonstration Centre; Demonstration Installations (neighbourhood itinerary); Guided visits to energy installations.
• Production of energy by means of renewable energy sources to cover the consumption local demand.
• Adaptation of existing infrastructures in order to models based on energetic efficiency by means of rehabilitation actions.
• Training and awareness promotion related with energetic efficiency and the promotion of renewable energies addressed to users, constructors and promoters, technicians and public.

We are looking for Public Administrations at local and regional level interested in energy efficiency and energy saving (especially already involved in Concerto Communities) and Universities, Technological Centres or SMEs with capacities in those issues, established in different EU Member States or Associated countries.


Mr. David  Seoane
T +34-663-991 -414
[email protected]
Ms. Graciela Garrido Grela
T +34-652-916-316
[email protected]
Redundant Central Converter System (CCS) for converterless On- and Off-shore Wind-Parks
- ENERGY.2008.2.3.1 Demonstration of large scale systems for on- and off-shore wind farms including their cost effective grid integration and
- ENERGY.2008.2.9.1 Storage for intermittent electricity

Aims of the project:

  • To provide build and explore a CCS system in one wind-park (off- or on-shore) up to 100 MW installed power, based on HV-AC or HV-DC techniques.
  • To reduce the installation and service costs by 30% per installed MVA
  • To reduce the electrically conversion losses by 30%

Partners needed and other aspects of relevance

  • Partners needed: Industry and SMEs, Institutes, Universities
  • Switzerland, as a non-EU country, is fully associated to the 7th FWP


Mr. Harry Fleischmann
Integral Drive Systems AG
T +41-44-562 06-00
[email protected]

PV & Thermo Modules and its Integration in different applications including System-Control
ENERGY.2008.2.1.3 Multiple benefits of PV systems

The goals are to finish the panel design and to develop the control system for the management of the PVT modules. To build three PVT demonstration 1) home installation in combination with house heating, 2) PVT installation in combination with heat pumps and a thermal energy storage and 3) a large-scale highest efficiency PVInstallation > 1 MW close to heat sink (river, see) and to provide measurement results and exploration praxis for the tree types of installations.

Partners needed and other aspects of relevance
• Partners needed: Industry and SMEs, Institutes, Universities
• Switzerland, as a non-EU country, is fully associated to the 7th FWP


Mr. Harry Fleischmann
Integral Drive Systems AG
T +41-44-562 06-00
[email protected]

 PV Thermo Moduls (.pdf, 28 kb)
COWI A/S, Denmark sucht Partner
ECO Community project
COWI is a leading international consulting group. We work worldwide within engineering, environmental science and economics.


Mr. Reto M. Hummelshoj
[email protected]

 COWI (.pdf, 157 kb)
ENERGY.2008.2.9.1 Storage for intermittent electricity
Electricite de France, EDF F&D sucht Partner


Mr. Christophe  Kieny
Electricite de France, EDF F&D
T +33-(0)6-6644 -3241
[email protected]

 Electricite de France (.pdf, 55 kb)
WAVENERGY II - Wave Energy Systems, 1:1 Scale Validation
Spanischer Koordinator sucht Partner


 Pymera Network
Ref. PS-034-08
[email protected]

 ES_WAVENERGY_II29854.pdf (.pdf, 182 kb)
Montpellier Agglomération collectivity
8.4.1 CONCERTO communities Development of technologies to improve energy efficiency and to enable energy consumption savings for buildings

The core idea for the project of Montpellier Agglomération is to equip at east 5 buildings with the Effinergie label (French derivative of the erman PassivHauss label), thus designing extremely low energy consuming structures, which exceed national thermal regulatory tandards.
This is an opportunity for Montpellier Agglomération to be a leader in implementing this label on its real estate infrastructure and to develop, in parallel, innovative solutions that take into account issues related to summer comfort, which is highly important across our Mediterranean latitudes. The main difficulty today, is that available experience from the field is mostly related to individual housing and not to collective building.
That’s why this call for projects represents an opportunity for us to create an energy performance standard specifically for “Mediterranean Europe”, as a complement to other existing energy labels from Northern
Europe, such as Passive Hauss.
In order to take into account the evolutions due to the climatic change, and because of the alarming summer increase in electricity consumption for air conditioning, this is the right time to be designing buildings capable of satisfying current comfort requirements, while saving the greatest possible amount of available energy resources.

Partner sought:
or 3 other collectivities with innovative and complementary energy projects ready to join us, or an existing consortium, interested in integrating our appliance;


Mr.  Aurélien WALTER
General Services and Buildings
T +33-(0)4-67 13 69-59
[email protected]

BecomEco - Eco Retrofitting of districts
CONCERTO: CIMNE-UPC, Spain sucht Partner

Energy retrofitting of existing houses, integrating innovative passive actions, renewable energy technologies at district level, high efficiency energy management systems, and innovative mechanisms for social participation and co financing

("Eco retrofitting of districts: making it easy")


Mr. Jaime Marti Herrero
T +34-937-899-169
[email protected]

 BecomEco (.pdf, 92 kb)
Demonstrate the feasibility of producing bio-methane from biogas as a natural gas substitute using algae systems
ENERGY.2008.3.1.1: Bio-fuels from high moisture content biomass-Bio-methane production
Biogas Fuel Call S.A (BFC)

Objectives of the project

- To demonstrate a novel biogas upgrading system based on CO2 capture by algae and to remove other contaminants (SH2, volatiles, moisture...)
- To demonstrate of the process developed in the project might be a cost effective alternative to the CO2 capture technologies commercially available for use on biogas upgrading plants


Mr. Paloma Fonseca Monasterio
Biogas Fuel Call S.A (BFC)
T +34-984-2920-20
[email protected]

 Biogas Fuel Call S.A (.pdf, 58 kb)