
FFG - Archiv Koordinator sucht Partner Energie

Archiv Koordinator sucht Partner Energie

15.09.2011 Smart Optimization of Pricing of Energy Consumption - SOPEC
 Smart distribution energy networks
17.12.2010 UK manufacturer is looking for partners in the field of Solar Thermal Energy Storage
 ENERGY.2011.4.1-3: Technologies for High Density Chemical Storage of Thermal Energy
26.07.2010 OPAC38 - a french social housing company is looking for partners
 EeB.ENERGY.2011.8.1-1 : Demonstration of very low energy new buildings
07.09.2010 UK University is looking for partners for an FP7 application
 EeB.ENERGY.2011.8.1-1: Demonstration of very low energy new buildings
30.09.2010 PROJECT MODERATE: Model for low energy buildings across European countries
 EeBENERGY.2011.8.1-1 Demonstration of very low energy new buildings
11.10.2010 From biomass to alcohols with improved processes using membrane reactors
 ENERGY.2011.3.7-1 Development of new or improved sustainable bio-energy carriers
14.09.2010 Development of fuel cell (FC) based residential Combined Heat and Power systems (CHP)
 FP7 FCH-JU-2010-1 Call
28.01.2010 LASTBEG - Large scale tool for power balancing of electric grids
 Ersatzpartner für genehmigtes FP7 Projekt dringend gesucht!
12.08.2009 WIAS - The Weierstrass Institute for Applied Analysis and Stochastics
 SP1-JTI-FCH.2009.2.4: Improved solid state H2 storage systems
24.02.2009 ESSCCAPE: Energy Saving Software based on Cloud Computing for Adjustable Processing Environments
 ICT-2009.6.3: ICT for Energy Efficiency
04.03.2009 OSM-DAN Israel sucht Partner
 ENERGY.2009.2.1.2: Solar Photovoltaics: Manufacturing and product issues for thin-film photovoltaics
27.08.2008 REBAW - Renewable electricity generation from biogas produced by agro-industrial wastes
ENERGY.2008.2.2.2: High-efficiency medium-to-large scale electricity generation from biomass and waste

27.08.2008 BioWEG - Development of integrated solutions for the electricity generation from biomass and hazardous waste
ENERGY.2008.2.2.2 : High-efficiency medium-to-large scale electricity generation from biomass and waste.

01.08.2008 Leuven Project
31.07.2008 MICROPOLIS Project
11.07.2008 Bourgoin-Jallieu City Project
10.07.2008 Carballo City Council, Spain sucht Partner
 CONCERTO Communities: the way to the future
08.07.2008 Redundant Central Converter System (CCS) for converterless On- and Off-shore Wind-Parks
- ENERGY.2008.2.3.1 Demonstration of large scale systems for on- and off-shore wind farms including their cost effective grid integration and
- ENERGY.2008.2.9.1 Storage for intermittent electricity

08.07.2008 PV & Thermo Modules and its Integration in different applications including System-Control
ENERGY.2008.2.1.3 Multiple benefits of PV systems

02.07.2008 COWI A/S, Denmark sucht Partner
 ECO Community project
02.07.2008 ENERGY.2008.2.9.1 Storage for intermittent electricity
Electricite de France, EDF F&D sucht Partner

02.07.2008 WAVENERGY II - Wave Energy Systems, 1:1 Scale Validation
Spanischer Koordinator sucht Partner

01.07.2008 Montpellier Agglomération collectivity
 8.4.1 CONCERTO communities Development of technologies to improve energy efficiency and to enable energy consumption savings for buildings
25.06.2008 BecomEco - Eco Retrofitting of districts
 CONCERTO: CIMNE-UPC, Spain sucht Partner
20.06.2008 Demonstrate the feasibility of producing bio-methane from biogas as a natural gas substitute using algae systems
ENERGY.2008.3.1.1: Bio-fuels from high moisture content biomass-Bio-methane production
Biogas Fuel Call S.A (BFC)