Archiv Koordinator sucht Partner Energie
Development of fuel cell (FC) based residential Combined Heat and Power systems (CHP)
FP7 FCH-JU-2010-1 Call

A Slovene company is looking for project partners to apply for the FCH-JU-2010 call. The projects’ goal is to develop economically and technological ly feasible fuel cell based residential CHP energy system with renewable energy sources and connection to electrical and thermal power grid implementing central H2 generation. Project partners capable developing specific FC CHP adapted subsystems such as FC stack, heat management system, and hydrogen storage equipment are sought.

A Slovene company acting as a system integrator of fuel cells based systems is looking for project partners. Company is a Joint Technology Initiative (JTI) NEW-IG member and will apply the FCH-JU-2010 call. The projects’ main goal is to develop economically and technologically feasible fuel cell based residential CHP energy system with renewable energy sources and connection to electrical and thermal power grid implementing central H2 generation.
The objective of a project is to develop a proof of concept prototype of residential trigeneration CHP system connected to electrical power grid
with renewable energy sources. Since renewable energy sources pose the challenge that the production depends on external factors, such as wind speed and direction, the amount of sunlight, etc. hydrogen will be used as an energy vector capable to provide and store energy for efficient residential energy management system. Residential CHP will act as Energy Consumer and Energy Producer in the electrical and thermal power grid requir ing the design of appropriate interface for connecting residential CHP into smart grid network.

Current and Potential Domain of Application: Residential or/and industrial based CHP systems.

Partner sought:
Industry, academy, research organisations.
Specific area of activity of the partner: Component suppliers / developers of fuel cells subsystems (stacks, heat management systems, hydrogen storage equipment).

Task to be performed of the partner sought: Development of a specific FC CHP adapted subsystems such as FC stack, heat management system, hydrogen storage equipment.

Please send EoIs before the end of September to e-mail: [email protected] .


 Marjeta Trobec
Jozef Stefan Institute
[email protected]
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