Vorveröffentlichung Arbeitsprogramm 2012 NMP
Vorläufiges Arbeitsprogramm veröffentlicht
NMP experts advise on RTD activities in 2010-2015
Position Paper on future RTD activities of NMP published
Online workshops: "Nanotechnology for Water Purification"
2., 8. und 15. Dezember 2009, Teilnahme frei
Open Consultation on Public-Private-Partnerships
Beiträge bis 30. November möglich
Datenbank für NMP Partnersuchen online!
EU-Initiative NMP Team startet Website
Call for Abstracts
Nanotech Conference & Expo 2010, Anaheim, Kalifornien
Call for Tender veröffentlicht
Studie zur Bewertung von Forschungsaktivitäten zwischen EU und Drittstaaaten im Bereich NMP
European Research Infrastructure EUMINAfab starts user operation
Open and no-cost access to state of the art fabrication and characterisation technologies
Forschungsorganisationen suchen Partner für EU-Projekte
Rege Teilnahme an RP7-Brokerage Event in Grenoble - Expertiseprofile nun online
Foresight, Roadmaps and Indicators for Nanoindustry, Moskau, 7.-8. Oktober 2009
Aufruf für Vorschläge für Diskussionsthemen und Vorträge
Planung von neuen Infrastrukturen: Umfrage zu aktuellem und zukünftigem Bedarf im Bereich Nano
Survey for setting up an European Research Infrastructure for Nanoscience

- with Distributed Nano-Foundry Facilities co-located with relevant Fine Analysis Facilities (Synchrotron Radiation, Neutron Sources, Ultrafast and Power Lasers and FELs)

European Commission has awarded a feasibility study for setting up a cluster of distributed nanoscience foundries co-located at the large scale facilities in EU member states (for further information see http://nffa.tasc.infm.it/). As a part of the feasibility study, a wide consultation in nanoscience research community and the user community of large scale facility is necessary.

It is well known that large scale facilities, such as synchrotron radiation source, neutron scattering source and high power laser, are the national and international focus points of basic and applied scientific research. There are intimate links between nanosciences, such as nanomaterials and nanobiology, and large scale scientific research facilities. By co-locating nanoscience foundries with the large scale facilities, an integrated research environment can be created. Such an environment already exists in the US where 5 nanoscience centres have been set up in 5 different US national facilities (see http://www.science.doe.gov/News_Information/News_Room/2006/nano/index.htm). Europe has been lagging behind and started to seriously look into such a strategic development.

The present survey is to investigate the current and future needs of European nanoscience research and to gauge the requirements of setting up such a cluster of distributed nanoscience foundries. Scientists and nanotechnology developers who need an access to state of the art instrumentation and methods for designing, synthesizing, nanofabricating, characterizing matter with atomic precision and performing experiments also using the fine analysis methods based on X-rays, neutrons or fast pulsed radiation are all welcome to participate the survey. This includes current users as well as supporting scientists of large scale facilities engaged in nanoscience research. Your response will help to shape the European landscape of nanoscience research and nanotechnology development, and ultimately bring benefit to your own research.

The survey takes no more than 5 minutes. The survey web is completely secure and all data transmission is encrypted. The e-mail address you provide in the survey will ONLY be used in case that the participant of the survey has interest in further information of NFFA and only for this purpose.

Please click here to enter the survey https://www.surveymonkey.com/s.aspx?sm=GK3rZXBMw_2bTbvWWjecEXPQ_3d_3d

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