Vorveröffentlichung Arbeitsprogramm 2012 NMP
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Design Study of FP7-Research Infrastructures: Nano-Laboratorien gesucht
Laufendes EU-Projekt "Nano Foundries and Fine Analysis (NFFA)" eröffnet Competitive Call

The NFFA project is a Design Study for a European distributed infrastructure in Nanoscience. It is funded by the Seventh Framework Programme of the European Community for research and technological development (2007-2013), under the Capacities Specific Programme - Research Infrastructures.

The present call aims at identifying:

    * Additional contributors from nanoscience laboratories (academic, governmental, private) of EU Member States and Associated States in order to represent all potential European users of NFFA
    * Large Scale Facilities for nanoscience that see potential synergies with NFFA Centres

Outline of NFFA Project

The NFFA project intends to study the feasibility of a European cluster of nanoscience facilities, which will consist of 3-6 Centres closely attached to a number of selected Large Scale Facilities located within Europe (synchrotron radiation sources, neutron scattering sources, high power lasers including free electron lasers, high performance computing, etc). The NFFA cluster of nanoscience facilities will enable users to conduct fine analysis experiments and modeling at the nanoscale by offering access to state-of-the-art design, synthesis, nanofabrication and analysis to a wide and multidisciplinary research community. Hence, by providing innovative cutting edge preparation and characterization technologies to European scientists, this delocalized institution will raise the standards of nanoscience experiments in the European Research Area and allow full exploitation of the affiliated Large Scale Facilities.

Role of Additional Contributors

Additional contributors will be involved in the NFFA project by:

    * participating to general and specific workshops;
    * collaborating in the implementation of NFFA work packages;
    * collaborating in the implementation of specific tasks.

The NFFA project, due to contract constraints, cannot allocate funds to the additional contributors but can provide coverage of their travel/participation expenses related to NFFA working sessions or to specific site visits.

Call Deadline: 15 May 2009 - 17h00 Brussels Time

For more information, visit the project's website: http://nffa.tasc.infm.it/pmwiki/pmwiki.php?n=NFFA.Call

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