Vorveröffentlichung Arbeitsprogramm 2012 NMP
Vorläufiges Arbeitsprogramm veröffentlicht
NMP experts advise on RTD activities in 2010-2015
Position Paper on future RTD activities of NMP published
Online workshops: "Nanotechnology for Water Purification"
2., 8. und 15. Dezember 2009, Teilnahme frei
Open Consultation on Public-Private-Partnerships
Beiträge bis 30. November möglich
Datenbank für NMP Partnersuchen online!
EU-Initiative NMP Team startet Website
Call for Abstracts
Nanotech Conference & Expo 2010, Anaheim, Kalifornien
Call for Tender veröffentlicht
Studie zur Bewertung von Forschungsaktivitäten zwischen EU und Drittstaaaten im Bereich NMP
European Research Infrastructure EUMINAfab starts user operation
Open and no-cost access to state of the art fabrication and characterisation technologies
Forschungsorganisationen suchen Partner für EU-Projekte
Rege Teilnahme an RP7-Brokerage Event in Grenoble - Expertiseprofile nun online
Foresight, Roadmaps and Indicators for Nanoindustry, Moskau, 7.-8. Oktober 2009
Aufruf für Vorschläge für Diskussionsthemen und Vorträge
Partner im laufenden RP6-Projekt "NanoMembranes against Global Warming" gesucht
Forschung und Produktion einer Polyethylen-basierten Membran

The Integrated Project "NanoMembranes against Global Warming" (NanoGLOWA) is looking for an industrial partner for research towards and production of a unique type of polyethylene based membrane.

NanoGLOWA is a 26-partner 15-country project whose main objective is to develop nanostructured membranes and installations for different applications in (post-combustion) CO2 capture from power plants. In order to achieve that goal, five fundamentally different membrane types are developed. One of these types are lonomeric High Voltage Membranes (IHVMs).

The key objective of the present Competitive Call is to contract one new partner that will assist in development and production of these IHVMs.

The new partner:

  • is an industrial company from an EU Member State or Associated State.
  • will complement the current consortium in NanoGLOWA’s Work Package 3 (WP3), which aims to develop and optimise Ionomeric High Voltage Membranes for post combustion CO2 capture for power plant flue gas.
  • possesses adequate research capabilities.
  • is active in (polyethylene) foil and preferably membrane production.

Its tasks, most of which in close cooperation with existing partners, will probably include:

  • Foil consistency optimisation: plasticers, antioxidants, etc.
  • Foil thickness reduction towards 10 mm or less.
  • Foil production method optimisation: extrusion, hot pressing, etc.

Estimated costs and funding for the tasks:
Research cost: € 200.000 (to be supported by Commission funding of up to 50%)
Total Commission funding available: € 100.000

Expected duration of participation in project: from 15th January 2009 to 30th of May 2010

Deadline: The call closes on Wednesday November 05, 2008, 17h00 Brussels time.


 Martijn Huibers
WP3 Coordinator
[email protected]
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