Archiv Partner sucht Konsortium Energie
Lisbon’s Municipal Energy-Environment Agency Portugal sucht Koordinator
FP7-ENERGY.2008.5.2.1 Photovoltaics, FP7-ENERGY.2008.5.7.1 Development of Inter active Distribution Energy Networks

Lisboa E-Nova, is a non-profit association operating under private law that seeks to contribute to sustainable development by mainstreaming good practices among political decision makers, all major urban stakeholders and the citizens of Lisbon. Lisboa E-Nova’s aims are met though the development of Intervention Projects. These projects, that   also include information activities, aim at increasing the awareness of all key stakeholders – politicians, economical stakeholders and citizens alike – and motivate them to participate in the continuous improvement of the city’s energy and environmental performance, contributing in this sense to changes in policy and behaviours.  Lisboa E-Nova objectives are set for the areas of urban planning, construction, urban management and mobility in Lisbon. Lisboa E-Nova is currently developing Lisbon’s energy-environmental strategy as part of the political commitment of the present political team. Within this project a first set of urban management tools that quantify and qualify the city’s performance was developed: Lisbon Energy Matrix, Lisbon Water Matrix and Lisbon Materials Matrix. These tools will be used to assess the indicators and targets set out in this proposal, with the possibility of testing their overall impact on the city’s performance.


 Vasco  Rodrigues
GPPQ – Gabinete de Promoção do 7. Programa-Quadro de I&DT/FP7 Promotion Office
T +351-21-782 83 67-
[email protected]

 Lisboa E-Nova (.pdf, 160 kb)
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