Archiv Partner sucht Konsortium Energie

LEITAT Technological Center
Topics interested: Area of Photovoltaics

In the FP7 call for proposal, published on 20th July 2011, our R+D team will focus on the following topics:

ENERGY.2012.2.1.1 Reliable, cost-effective, highly performing PV systems
- Development of novel photovoltaic luminescent based on multi-functional photovoltaic modules which show simplicity of installation and utilization, suitability for use in a distributed generation configuration and easiness to integrate in buildings
- Electricity storage
- Light transmission
- Protection and thermal insulation
- IEC tests (e.g. IEC61215, 61646) as well as specially designed accelerated tests
- Life cycle assessment of the innovative photovoltaic cells and technologies
- Novel module concept including energy generation
- Energy storage (e.g. supercapacitors) all low-cost deposition processes

ENERGY.2012.2.1.2 Demonstration of smart multi-functional PV modules
- Integrated energy management
- Novel concepts with supercapacitors
- Suport on IEC standard test for modeling validation
- Industrial contacts in the field



 Émilie Mespoulhes
International Projects Office
T +34-93-7882300-
[email protected]

Energy.2012.8.8.3 Demonstration of nearly Zero Energy Building Renovation for cities and districts
The city of Lodz in Poland is looking for partners
The City of Lodz is a local authority situated in the very centre of Poland. With 768,000 inhabitants, Lodz is currently the third largest city in Poland.
Numerous contacts with cities all over the world can be seen in the increasing number of partnership agreements. Lodz has a well-developed cooperation in the field of economic and cultural development of the city with self-governments and institutions at local, regional and also international level.


 Karolina Włodarska
Strategy, Partnership and Funds Office Strategy and Development Department
T +48-42-638 46-43
F +48-42-638 46-19
[email protected]

FP7 ENERGY-2012-1: Intelligent tools for design, monitoring and modelling of photovoltaic installations
Greek ICT company is looking for partners
 A Greek ICT company is developing a project regarding a photovoltaic plant monitoring platform which is independent of environmental variables. The Greek company is looking urgently for a coordinator partner and other multiple partners (fields: meteorological,PV system vendor, PV validator, HW&SW testing) in order to submit a proposal under the FP7-Energy-2012-1 call.

Weitere Details siehe:

Expertise Offer: Croatian ICT engineering company - ELMA
Renewable Energy Generation, Smart Energy Networks

Elma Kurtalj Ltd. is an engineering company with highly skilled engineers in  R&D department, specialised in ICT infrastructure and Buildings management systems (BMS) based on open protocols (Lonworks, Modbus, Bacnet). We are able to deliver complete electrical and intelligent building infrastructure from basic design to total deployment, fully based on open protocol system paradigm.
Our BMS software platform “BrightCore” which is distributed software system with primary goal to successfully mediate between control networks and the desired uses of them.
In essence BrightCore is servicing oriented IP based automation middleware which open possibility for ease control network usage through established standard interfaces with a goal to enable large multi building system optimization in energy consumption, technical  administration and fine user tweaking. Furthermore, has open interface for vertical connectivity to facility maintenance software infrastructure

Elma company offers Energy efficiency consultancy services such as energy auditing, thermography inspection, assessment of implementation alternative renewable energy sources (photovoltaic system, solar hot water, heat pump technology, biomass and geothermal energy) in buildings.

Our service starts from conducting a detailed energy system analyse in different sectors such as industries, commercial and residential buildings to provide ICT and BMS solution for improving and more efficient management of building infrastructure based on our Smart City Framework concept.


 Motalleb Miri
Elma Kurtalj Ltd. / Croatia,
T +385-1-3035-555
[email protected]

 Elma (.pdf, 77 kb)
Expertise Offer: Fraunhofer Gesellschaft - IAIS (DE)
Topic ENERGY.2011.5.2-1: Understanding the long-term fate of geologically stored CO2
For the geological storage of carbon dioxide we offer Visual Analytics Systems for reservoir characterization and site specific injection studies. We execute and lead the R&D work for the international oil&gas industry consortium VRGeo since 12+ years and we are experts in interactive visualization systems for geological and geophysical analysis. Our methodology enables users to analyze and interact with geological data of different sources, arbitrary size and scale and it combines the strengths of computers and humans in an iterative feedback loop, Apart from the data visualization itself, we offer task-specific data interfaces that enable multi-disciplinary work teams to access and interact with data in a natural and intuitive way. Related to CCS, our methodology eventually leads to a precision depth mapping of 3D seismic data and a detailed knowledge of reservoir stratigraphy for well-informed decision making.


 Manfred Bogen, Ph.D.
Fraunhofer Gesellschaft
T +49-2241-1423-67
[email protected]

Expertise Offer: Swiss Photovoltaic specialists - PVLab
Topic EeB.ENERGY.2011.8.1-1: Demonstration of very low energy new buildings

Our laboratory is one of the leading institutes in the field of photovoltaic and some of our activities are focused on BIPV ( . We are already involved in different projects on this topic and would be extremely interested in taking part in one project on low energy buildings as described in the call for proposal mentioned above, in which photovoltaic would be used as renewable energy or studied as perspective in order to further improve the energy efficiency of low energy buildings (towards neutral buildings).

Our role in such a project could be on the following topics:

  • Expertise in photovoltaics
  • Assessment of energy gains compared to additional costs due to the integration of PV on low energy buildings.
  • State of the art on roof and facade elements (insulating façade elements for instance) which would be compatible with PV integration (crystalline silicon or thin film silicon technologies),
  • Design of new elements (single or double function such as isolation/),
  • Development, fabrication/demonstration of prototypes,
  • Reliability testing of the modules/PV elements


 Vanessa Terrazzoni
EPFL - Switzerland
T +41-32-718-3366
[email protected]

 PVLab (.pdf, 47 kb)
Energy-efficient Indoor Ecosystem Management (Oblo)

A Serbian Research & Development company for product development in fields of consumer electronics, communications and multimedia is looking for a coordinator for a project that is forming to address FP7-2011-NMP-ENV-ENERGY-ICT-EeB, Energy Efficient Buildings 2011 call for proposals.

Deadline for responses is 2nd October 2010.


 Mihajlo Katona
RT-RK Computer Based Systems LCC
T +381-21-4801-178
[email protected]

 Oblo (.pdf, 278 kb)
Expertise offer: CZ Biomass Association (CZ Biom)
Topics interested: Demo of new generation of boilers/stoves; Renewables for Heating & Cooling; Biofuels from Algae

CZ Biom is a non-governmental non-profit organization and professional association supporting a development of phytoenergy in the Czech Republic. CZ Biom consists of 5 sections, of which the main ones are: phytoenergy, biogas, composting, biomass combusting, biomass production, and information services. CZ Biom works together with other non-governmental organizations in the field of bioenergy (in the Czech Republic and abroad) on topics relevant among others to biomass, renewable energy sources, renewable electricity generation, cogeneration and sustainable development.

The main activities of CZ Biom consist of dissemination and research activities. CZ Biom yearly organizes or co-organizes 8 to 10 expert conferences. CZ Biom publishes its own printed bulletin. For the broad public CZ Biom distributes general information material, such as practical information on the use of biomass for energy purposes for local governments or information material for education (teaching aids). For the distribution of its information materials CZ Biom uses different information channels, most of all its own website, leaflets, educational films and press releases.

CZ Biom has been a partner in several EU FP6 and FP7 projects. CZ Biom is at the moment cooperating on the preparation of several EU funded projects from the Seventh Framework Programme (FP7) and from the Intelligent Energy for Europe (IEE) programme. CZ Biom is also active on regional projects predominantly with partners from Germany and Austria. CZ Biom is also active on the national level. One of the most prestigious projects of the present time of CZ Biom was the preparation of the Czech national Biomass Action Plan for the Czech Ministry of Agriculture following the recommendation in EU COM(2005)628.

For more information as activities of CZ Biom and references please visit our web site


 Petr Tluka
CZ Biom – Czech Biomass Association
T +420-608-1460-02
[email protected]

 CZ Biom (.pdf, 88 kb)
Expertise Offer: Swiss research center CATSE
Micro turbine, GHG-emissions other than CO2, landfill gas, concentrated solar power (CSP)
After great success in the development of FLOX-lean-gas burners, low-NOx and complete combustion of low caloric values down to 1.5 MJ/m3 with high CO2 content (up to 95%), the development of a micro-turbine was started in 2007, to directly produce power from such or other waste heat. A consortium of two German and four Swiss industrial company was founded and lab scale testing has been performed with very good correspondence to the calculated data. However the mentioned turbine can be used not only for weak land-fill gas but also for all other high temperature heat sources, where it is an economical and or technical advantage when being able to directly use atmospheric gases – for instance concentrated solar radiation in solar combined cycles. Besides, our institute offers all necessary knowledge and infrastructure for lab or field testing, measurement and data acquisition. SMPS shall be applied for the tracing of Siloxane-particles in the burned land fill gas. 


Herr Martin Schmid
Center of Appropriate Technology and Social Ecology CATSE
T +41-(0)62-387 31 -37
[email protected]

 CATSE (.pdf, 44 kb)
Expertise Offer: Dutch company Nedap
ENERGY.2010.7.1-1: Large-scale demonstration of smart electricity distribution networks with distributed generation and active customer participation

A Dutch based company and who has developed a modular solar- and/or wind inverter for on-and off-grid application with battery back-up, called “PowerRouter”.

The PowerRouter allows locally generated energy to be stored or consumed. Further, it may bring generated and stored energy to the grid on demand. Communication is via the Internet. 

Nedap has over 15 year of experience in power electronics on battery charger, inverters and grid connected solar inverters. Based on this experience we have developed a patented power conversion concept.
This concept allows connection of several renewable energy sources (solar and/or wind) to be fed back into the grid. When the grid fails or is disconnected, the energy can be supplied directly to a connected load or battery pack. Stored energy can be supplied to the load or the grid at a later moment.

This way, Nedap has made renewable energies controllable and therefore suitable for use in smart grids for peak shaving, load management and grid stability.


Anne Pieter Haytema
N.V. Nederlandsche Apparatenfabriek “Nedap”
T +31-544-471 -825
[email protected]

 Nedap (.pdf, 166 kb)
Expertise Offer: Swiss company NOLARIS
2010.2.9-1 Demonstration of innovative multi-purpose solar power plant
Nolaris is an engineering company specialized in the design and implementation of solar systems based on an innovative floating and rotating platform (Solar Islands) tracking the sun in azimuth. By implementing a simplified mechanics, this solution is therefore expected to produce a significant cost reduction with respect to other solar systems based on individual elevation tracking optics.
Nolaris has a qualified team of engineer owning all the necessary core know-how and competences covering all the aspects of the Solar Islands project.
Nolaris know-how ranges from specific design aspects (optics, fluid-dynamics) to system integration and applications, thus allowing carrying out fully internally the conceptual and preliminary design of the system as well as the validation of the design solutions on prototypes.


NOLARIS SA in Switzerland,
T +41-(0)32-720 51-63
[email protected]

 NOLARIS (.pdf, 68 kb)
Expertise Offer: University of Cyprus
Electric power systems, power system optimization, operation and control, wind energy
The KIOS Research Center for Intelligent Systems and Networks ( ) at the University of Cyprus is a new and rapidly expanding research center aiming at the development of intelligent monitoring, control and security methodologies for large-scale, complex and safety-critical systems. One of the specific areas of interest is electric power systems. The research team in power systems is led by Assistant Professor Elias Kyriakides ([email protected]) and comprises post-doctoral, doctoral, and M.Sc. researchers that are working in areas such as wide area monitoring and control of power systems, state estimation, economic dispatch, wind energy, parameter estimation of synchronous generators and power system operation optimization.
The research team is involved in industrial, national, and EU projects. It is a dynamic and forward-looking research team with deep knowledge of the operation of power systems and the problems facing the power industry.
We are looking to expand our collaborations and assist in the development of new research proposals in the area of power systems.


 Elias Kyriakides
KIOS Research Center for Intelligent Systems and Networks, University of Cyprus
T +357-22-8922-91
[email protected]

 Expertise Offer UCY (.pdf, 43 kb)
Storage systems & Dsitribution networks
ENERGY.2010.7.1-1: Large-scale demonstration of smart electricity distribution networks with distributed generation and active customer participation

University of Vaasa (Finland) and a company from the same region, Vaasa Engineering Ltd, are looking for cooperation opportunities within FP7 Theme ENERGY.

We are interested in participating in projects dealing with energy storage technologies applied in distribution networks. We would especially like to participate in developing new concepts and solutions relating to the use of energy storages in hybrid power plants where the main part of the energy is based on intermittent power source (such as wind power).


Mr. Jarkko Aro
Vaasa Engineering Ltd.
T +358-207-190-210
[email protected]
Prof. Kimmo Kauhaniemi
University of Vaasa;
T +358-44-0244-283
[email protected]

 Vaasa (.pdf, 23 kb)
IFAM Fraunhofer Bremen sucht Koordinator
ENERGY 3: Renewable fuel production Area Energy .3.2 Second generation fuel from biomass - FP7-ENERGY-2009-BRAZIL

The direction of the project will be: development to convert waste to
energy, development of pretreatment of lignocellulosic for ethanol/biogas production.

We may also include the processes after the pre-treatment for the ethanol/biogas production as hydrolysis, fermentation, Distillation, Acidogenesis, Acetogenesis, …
Problems to be solved and results:
Effective parameters in pretreatment of lignocelluloses
pretreatment methods

Expertise required:
a potential EU coordinator ( in the bio fuel field)
Industry partners
Specially partners in the field and for the experiments
For instance the experiments after the pre-treatment
For the modelling and computer simulations we have enough partners


Dr. Welchy Leite Cavalcanti
Fraunhofer Institute for Manufacturing Technology and Applied Materials Research in Bremen (IFAM)
T +49-421-2246-487
[email protected]

 IFAM (.pdf, 74 kb)
Academy of Diagnostics Ukraine sucht Konsortium
Topic energy.2009.7.1.1: Optimisation of the electricity grid with large scale renewable and storage.
Topic energy.2009.8.1.1: Energy efficiency in energy intensive industry
Topic energy 2009.9.2.1: European scientific multidisciplinary "think-tank" to support energy policy and to assess the potential impacts of its measures.

Organisation expertise:
A lot of years we conduct researches of informative energies, (S-radiations), which are generated by the energy-informa tional structure (ES) of any tense matter. Their results showed that properties of S-radiations had stipulated that any electric machine, including generators of power-stations, produce S- radiations. They, together with an electric current, circulate on electric networks and partly disperse round high-voltage send-offs, carrying away with thus electromagnetic energy.
In the devices of cellular they will be transformed in high-frequency S- radiations which adsorb , from aerials the energy-informaionals fields (EF). We first watched after in the spectrum of S- radiations, that in summer 2003 the most enormous EF arrived on Earth. It was divided into shallow EF, which occupied quickly, at least, all
of Europe and at once began to adsorb informative energies from aerials, networks and people.
Now EF developed so that S- radiations of high-voltage networks adsorb fully, that some increased the losses of electric power. They filled also all of buildings and transport. Therefore now EF constantly adsorbs energies from people that negatively influences on ES of man and makes worse the health of population.
EF adsorb also energies from geopatogennic radiations,. Because of that the field which forms the magnetic field of Earth from them loses ability to reflect space Sradiations. Instead it takes them and skips planets through poles. Because of that the arctic areas of Earth are pierced by the streams of space S- radiations. They change properties of water, as a result arctic ices melt and the rates of global warmer increase. Consequently, paces of global changes are set the by growth of EF. To slow him, it is necessary to eliminate possibility of EF to adsorb S- radiations from a technique.
Therefore a project foresees development of standards on limitation of S- radiations from the generators of power-stations and other technique. Development of the proper measures of policy will allow to enter them in an action, that will slow growth of EF. As a result the total losses in networks, and also rates of global changes, including rises in the temperature of climate will go down.

Expertise required:
Experience with multidisciplinary approach to policy analysis of Environmental,economic, technical, trade and legal issues Research and Innovation:In the context of the European Strategic Energy Technology Plan (SET plan) to support the rapid development of Community policy by providing inputs to the assessment of potential impacts of policy alternatives and options


Dr. Vasil Korniyenko
Academy of Diagnostics Ukraine
T +38-068-192 13-99
[email protected]

 Smart Networks policy (.pdf, 187 kb)
DERMA: Distributed Energy Resource Management Application tool
ICT-ENERGY Joint Call, Challenge 6: ICT for Mobility, Environmental Sustainability and Energy Efficiency

The objective of the project DERMA consists of developing a software tool aimed at introducing new concepts and an extended framework for taking into account the peculiarities of Distributed Energy Resources (DER) operating in Low Voltage (LV) distribution systems. The term DER includes Distributed Generation (DG), Demand Response (DR) and Distributed Storage (DS).

Institut fuer Hoehere Studien (IHS) sucht Koordinator
ENERGY 2009.9.2.1 European scientific multidisciplinary "think-tank" to support
The Applied Resarch Group of IHS has provided analyses, policy formulation and technical assistance to a large number of Central European and CIS Countries concerning regional socio-economic development, reforms of the real and the financial sectors, as well as the legal systems, institutional building and democratisation processes, etc. Due to the extensive work performed in the Central Europe and Middle East and Central Asia in co-operation with key regional analysts IHS has acquired a profound familiarity with the particularities of the energy, economic, social and political development of these countries, which aids the provision by the Institute of expertise, appropriate to the respective national context.

DI Siegfried Loicht 
T +43 (0)5 7755 - 4304
F +43 (0)5 7755 - 94300
[email protected]

 think-tank (.pdf, 73 kb)
Linz AG, sucht Koordinator
Joint Call FP7-ICT-ENERGY-2009-1, Novel ICT Solutions for Smart Electricity Distribution Networks

LINZ AG for Energy, Telecommunications, Transport and Community Services.
LINZ AG is run as an active management holding with four operative subsidiaries and with one service subsidiary. LINZ AG is a multi utility, which serves an area of approx. 2.243 square kilometres and employs approx. 2.700 members of staff. One of the operative subsidiaries is the energy division, with electricity generation, distribution and telecommunications (LINZ STROM,) as well as gas and district heating (LINZ GAS / WÄRME).

We are looking for a consortium wanting to work on the abovementioned call. Our main intentions for a participation in a project are:

  • Integration of distributed generation (DG, small & medium scale)
  • Algorithms and possibilities to control DG while maintaining economic, ecological and power quality requirements
  • Data-mining and higher level conclusions drawing out of distributed data collected from the grid and from the environment (Software solutions on cross correlate huge amounts of data)
  • Requirements Engineering, contribute from an utilities point of view
  • System Architecture design on requirements level
  • System Validation and Field Trials in our grid & infrastructure
  • Get an updated picture on the technological roadmap & practical feasibility of such smart grid solutions & technologies

Being able to offer advanced services to our customers


DI Siegfried Loicht 
T +43 (0)5 7755 - 4304
F +43 (0)5 7755 - 94300
[email protected]

 Linz AG (.pdf, 86 kb)
FP7-ENERGY-2009-2, FP7-ENERGY-2009-3: Energy Efficiency, Policy Support, Biofuels
Ecofys Poland sucht Partner
  • ENERGY.2009.8.1.1.: Energy efficiency in energy intensive industry
  • ENERGY.2009.9.2.1.: European scientific multidisciplinary "think-tank" to support energy policy and to assess the potential impacts of its measures
  • ENERGY.2009.3.7.1.: Support to the coordination of stakeholders' activities in the field of Biofuels

Ecofys is a consulting company that specialises in energy saving and renewable energy solutions. It was established in 1984 in Utrecht – Netherlands. As part of the Econcern group (, Ecofys offers research and consultancy services as well as product development. Besides Ecofys, the companies Ecostream, Evelop and Ecoventures also belong to the Econcern holding.
Over the years Ecofys has conducted extensive research and completed projects for many energy companies, housing corporations, building companies, international and local authorities, and energy consumers around the world. With almost 300 employees in eleven countries, Ecofys is one of the largest consultancy firms in sustainable energy and climate policy.

Ecofys Poland Sp. z o.o. (LTD) is an independent branch office in Poland, part of Econcern group - Netherlands.
The company, established in December 2000 as a Polish office of its mother organisation Ecofys bv (also the ECONCERN part, see above) is situated in Poznan and Warsaw.
The company offers services in the field of energy and climate change policy studies, development and implementation of energy and climate change protection projects for communities, housing corporations industry and energy companies. The company is deeply involved in knowledge dissemination to all key actors and co-operates with regional and national governmental agencies. The company organises and participates in numerous workshops and conferences and develops new initiatives on renewable energy market in Poland.


PhD Maria Szweykowska-Muradin
Ecofys Poland Sp.z o.o.
T +48-618-58280-0
[email protected]

 PL_Ecofys (.pdf, 53 kb)
Applied Sensor manufacturer sucht Konsortium
Hydrogen Ambient Safety Sensor for Automotive Fuel Cell Application
Hydrogen Ambient Safety Sensor for Stationary Fuel Cell Application
Hydrogen Exhaust Sensor for Fuel Cell Application

AppliedSensor ( is a manufacturer of gas sensors that provide solutions to OEMs for air quality, safety and control. In the past years AS has successfully supplied various market needs in Automotive, Consumer, Building / Home Appliances where each solution has been considered as an innovation in its specific field.
Activities in Hydrogen and Fuel Cells
AppliedSensor has specialized in a field-effect gas sensing principle that is very selective to hydrogen. This sensor technology has been the door-opener to many developments started in cooperation with the automotive industry to supply hydrogen safety and control to hydrogen propelled vehicles. The end-product, a rugged sensor module has been supplied to many automotive FC fleets and some stationary fuel cell applications.
Please see attached datasheet and further info on the existing product.
Future Outlook & Needs
It is AppliedSensor's aim to customize the existing technology with regard to cost and functionality for the future needs of all H2-related applications in need of control and, in particular safety. AppliedSensor is therefore looking for interested, and financially strong partners from e.g. the Industry Group (ideally system integrators from both, automotive and stationary fuel cell industries) or similar to facilitate the access to EC development funding and to purchase the final product.


 Rolf  Pauly
AppliedSensor GmbH
T +49-7121-51486-11
F +49-7121-51486-29
[email protected]

Community of Chlewiska (Poland)

The Community of Chlewiska (Poland) is preparing a proposal for CONCERTO initiative, Theme 5, ENERGY (Activities Energy 2.8, 4.4 and 8.2), call identifier: FP7-ENERGY-2008- TREN-1.

Chlewiska is a rural community in the central part of Poland. Area of Chlewiska is of 12.400 ha. It is occupied by 6.500 inhabitants. About 50% of the area is covered with forest. The community has already undertaken some activities directed towards development of the sustainable energy system based on thermo-modernization and installation of new boilers in schools, community buildings and health center.

The aim of the project is to organize a self-sufficient heat generation system for rural community based on local biomass resources (especially from forestry), taking into account the improvement of local community’s quality of life. The project will concentrate both on public and private buildings (integrated central and individual systems). It will concern existing buildings and infrastructure:

  • public utility buildings in the center of the community with central heating system,
  • groups of private houses – linked into central heating system,
  • individual independent units (farmers).


 Beata Michaliszyn
Institute for Ecology of Industrial Areas, Ecological Policy Department
T +48-32-254 74-13
[email protected]

 Chlewiska (.pdf, 19 kb)
CNE Technology Center, Cyprus sucht Koordinator
R&D Performing SME

Topics in which you are interested
- Renewables for Heating and Cooling
- Energy Efficiency and Savings
- Renewable Electricity Generation
- Other Energy Related topics for which we have the capacity to contribute

Established in 1997 in Cyprus, CNE Technology Center has become a National Center of Excellence in the fields of Testing, Metrology, and Research. CNE’s state of the art Laboratories are fully equipped to perform a wide range of testing, product certification and calibration services under a strict quality system, which is accredited under ISO/IEC 17025 and certified under ISO 9001. Its wide customer portfolio includes manufacturing companies, government institutions and academic establishments. In addition, the strong academic background of the founders of the company helped the R&D department to grow rapidly with participation in various national and international projects that involve industrial and applied research, mostly oriented towards the development of innovative and technologically advanced prototypes and solutions.


Mr.  Alexis Onoufriou
T +357-226-240-90
F +357-226-240-92
[email protected]

 CNE Technology Center (.pdf, 56 kb)
University of Natural Resources and Applied Life Sciences Austria sucht Koordinator
FP7-ENERGY.2008.3.2.1 Enhancing international cooperation between the EU and Latin America in the field of biofuels
Lab experiments will be carried out to optimise the methane production of substrates and mixtures based on biorefinery systems. Long-term and continuous flow through experiments will be carried out at different loading rates. The stability of the fermentation process will be tested through a variety of indicators. The feedstock for biogas production will improve due to the basis of pre treatment of lignocellulose’s containing residues of the biofuels industry. Development of a Methane Energy Value Model (MEVM) to calculate the methane productivity from components of substrates and substrate mixtures for Latin America. A data base of feedstock for biogas production in Latin-American countries will be set up.  The composition of the fermentation residues will be measured and will be made available on an online data catalogue. A detailed proposal for technology and management for an optimal production, a plant concept and feedstock management will be determined. Investment and revenues analyses will be made with the aim to implement a low-cost, low maintenance and sustainable production concept. Ecological quantification and sustainability evaluation using LCA analysis and CO2 balance will be made. Cost-benefit analyses will demonstrate the environmental efficiency through utilisation of lignocellulose containing biomass for biogas production based on biorefinery systems.


Ao. Univ. Prof. Dipl. Ing. Dr.  Thomas  Amon
University of Natural Resources and Applied Life Sciences
T +43-(0)1-47654 -3502
[email protected]

 Biofuels_Boku (.pdf, 103 kb)
Escola Superior de Biotecnologia, a Portuguese Higher Education Institution sucht Koordinator
FP7-ENERGY.2008.5.3.2 Second Generation Fuel from Biomass / FP7-ENERGY.2008.5.8.1 Efficient Energy Use in the Manufacturing Industry
Escola Superior de Biotecnologia, a Portuguese Higher Education Institution with expertise in Microbiology, Enzymology, Fermentation technology, Process Design and Optimization, among others, interested in joining consortiums for projects in the following areas of the 2008 FP7 Energy Work Programme:
- FP7-ENERGY.2008.5.3.2 Second Generation Fuel from Biomass
- FP7-ENERGY.2008.5.8.1 Efficient Energy Use in the Manufacturing Industry


Dr. João Paulo Ferreira
T +35-1225-5800-27
F +35-1225-0903-51
[email protected]

 ESB Portugal (.pdf, 178 kb)
Russian Institutes suchen Koordinator
Russian Institutes offer cooperation in the field of power generation and networks
The cooperation offers include the following organizations:
1) Moscow power engineering institute (MPEI(TU))
2) All-Russian Electrotechnical institute named after V.I. Lenin (VEI)
Information about these scientific centers and offered research interests are given in the included files.


 MPEI Moscow Power Engineering Institute Technical University
[email protected]

 FACB (.pdf, 18 kb)
Linz AG Austria sucht Koordinator
FP7-ENERGY.2008.7.1.1 Open-access Standard for Smart Multi-Metering Services

For Energy, Telecommunications, Transport and Community Services

LINZ AG is run as an active management holding with four operative subsidiaries and with
one service subsidiary. LINZ AG is a multi utility, which serves an area of approx. 2.243
square kilometres and employs approx. 2.700 members of staff.
One of the operative subsidiaries is the energy division, with electricity generation,
distribution and telecommunications (LINZ STROM,) as well as gas and district heating

Within LINZ STROM there is the metering department, where just recently innovative multi
utility remote metering solutions were developed, and are currently being rolled out.
230.000 intelligent electronic meters to be installed over the next years)
LINZ STROM has also an excellent expertise and know how in providing the backbone
network and computing capabilities to run sophisticated services like intelligent energy
management solutions on.
LINZ STROM has a growing fibre optic network and has gained also immense practical
experience in providing a broadband PLC access network to its customers and to use PLC
for utility purposes in order to enable smart grid solutions.

LINZ STROM has successfully participated in two FP6 projects. See references below.


 Berthold Haberler
Linz AG
T +43-(0)732-3400-5745
[email protected]

 Linz AG (.pdf, 42 kb)
Lisbon’s Municipal Energy-Environment Agency Portugal sucht Koordinator
FP7-ENERGY.2008.5.2.1 Photovoltaics, FP7-ENERGY.2008.5.7.1 Development of Inter active Distribution Energy Networks

Lisboa E-Nova, is a non-profit association operating under private law that seeks to contribute to sustainable development by mainstreaming good practices among political decision makers, all major urban stakeholders and the citizens of Lisbon. Lisboa E-Nova’s aims are met though the development of Intervention Projects. These projects, that   also include information activities, aim at increasing the awareness of all key stakeholders – politicians, economical stakeholders and citizens alike – and motivate them to participate in the continuous improvement of the city’s energy and environmental performance, contributing in this sense to changes in policy and behaviours.  Lisboa E-Nova objectives are set for the areas of urban planning, construction, urban management and mobility in Lisbon. Lisboa E-Nova is currently developing Lisbon’s energy-environmental strategy as part of the political commitment of the present political team. Within this project a first set of urban management tools that quantify and qualify the city’s performance was developed: Lisbon Energy Matrix, Lisbon Water Matrix and Lisbon Materials Matrix. These tools will be used to assess the indicators and targets set out in this proposal, with the possibility of testing their overall impact on the city’s performance.


 Vasco  Rodrigues
GPPQ – Gabinete de Promoção do 7. Programa-Quadro de I&DT/FP7 Promotion Office
T +351-21-782 83 67-
[email protected]

 Lisboa E-Nova (.pdf, 160 kb)
EN20: Interessensgebiete von Forschungsinstituten aus Moldawien

List of topics of interest for energy-research groups in Moldova.



MOSTOSTAL WARSZAWA S.A. is currently one of the largest construction and erection company in Poland. MOSTOSTAL’s activities extend to all areas and specialization fields in construction sector, both in project engineering and in works execution.

In the civil engineering working area, MOSTOSTAL builds roads, airports, harbours, gas pipes, water purifiers, and it is present in urban development, beach regeneration, execution of dams, water piping tunnels, metropolitan railways and railroads. Regarding the building sub sector, MOSTOSTAL executes works like for example: industrial, services, societal utility and real estate buildings.

Konstruktorska 11A
02-673 Warsaw
[email protected]
Tel: +48 22 548 56 46
Fax: +48 22 548 56 66


 EN19 MOSTOSTAL (.pdf, 69 kb)
EN18: Profile of a Luxembourg company interested in becoming a partner in a FP7 RTD Proposal

Short Profile of Organisation:
Development and commercialization of integrated solar solutions for medium temperature solar heat (150°C-300°C), based on the Sol-Re-11 concentrating solar collector.

280 A, rue de Neudorf
L-2222 Luxemburg
+352 661 22 11 22 Fax +352 27 62 02 23
[email protected]

[email protected]


 EN18 Solarsis (.doc, 98 kb)
EN16: Czech research group
Nuclear Research Institute Rez, Czech Technical University, Technical University Ostrava

the Informal Association of three Czech leading institutions active in the research of fossil energy generation takes the liberty to address you in the matter of cooperation while preparing and solving projects of the 7th Framework Programme in the area of research, development and demonstration of clean coal technologies for zero emission power generation from fossil fuels and CO2 capture and storage technologies.

The Association is composed of the following institutions:
• Nuclear Research Institute Rez a.s., its Nuclear Power and Safety Division and Energoprojekt Division, represented by Dr. Ivo Vasa, Director of Nuclear Safety and Power Division
• Czech Technical University, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Division of Power Engineering, represented by Prof. Dr. Frantisek Hrdlicka, Dean of the Faculty
• Technical University Ostrava, Research Energy Centre, represented by Associate Professor Dr. Tadeas Ochodek, Director of the Research Energy Centre

Referring to its past and present RTD activities and know-how in the areas related to the CO2 capture and storage and zero emission fossil fuel power plants, the Association offers partner collaboration within projects under preparation on some of the following FP7 ENERGY topics:

Topic ENERGY.2007.56.1.1: Feasibility study and development of an integrated solution for a large scale zero emission fossil fuel power plant (RTD Call, Collaborative Project)

Topic ENERGY.2007.6.2.1: Poly-generation concepts for coal fired power plants (Call TREN, Collaborative Project)

Topic ENERGY.2007.6.1.1. Solid fuel gasification development- improvement of gasifier technologies (Call TREN, Collaborative Project)

Topic ENERGY.2007.5.2.1: Development of suitable methodology for the qualification of deep saline aquifers for CO2 storage (Call RTD, Collaborative Project)

Topic ENERGY.2007.56.2.1: Support to regulatory activities for CO2 capture and storage,  (Call RTD, Coordination and Support Action)

Dr. Ivo Vasa,
Director of Nuclear Safety and Power Division,
Nuclear Research Institute Rez a.s.
Husinec-Rez 130,
250 68 Czech Republic
Phone:  266 173 558
Fax:  220 297 111 
e-mail:  [email protected] 


EN15: VEIKI (Institute for Electric Power Research) energy foresight network
ENERGY.2007.9.2.1: energy foresight network

VEIKI (Institute for Electric Power Research) is a more than 55 years old organisation playing important role in Hungarian energy research and development. There are several ongoing and finished projects related to reliability of supply strategic issues of electricity industry, effects of liberalisation, dispersed generation and renewable sources. In these themes our sponsors and business partners are National Research Found, Hungarian Energy Office, Hungarian Power Companies ltd. A few of our reports on these topics are listed here:

• Reliability of Electricity Supply in Deregulated Environment, 2003.
• Nuclear Power Plant Safety in a Market Oriented Energy System, 2003
• Energy Strategies in a Liberalised Electricity Industry, 2005.
• Reliable Electricity Supply: Strategic Goals – Short Term Actions, 2006.
• Impacts of Dispersed Generation Technologies on Reliability of Electricity Supply, 2006.

VEIKI (Institute for Electric Power Research)
Gellérthegy u. 17.
1016 Budapest, Hungary

Prof. I. Krómer
director general
[email protected]
Phone: +36 1 4578273
Fax: +36 1 4578274


 EN15 VEIKI (.pdf, 14 kb)
EN14: VEIKI (Institute for Electric Power Research) large-scale co-firing
Energy.2007.2.2.4: large-scale co-firing

VEIKI (Institute for Electric Power Research) is a more than 55 years old organisation playing important role in Hungarian energy research and development. Several power plant refurbishments in Hungary were planned and performed by VEIKI using our staff’s experience in fluidised-bed technologies and biomass firing. Some important examples:

- Borsod Power Plant (Kazincbarcika, Hungary) 80 MW unit. Originally coal fuelled, after refurbishment wood chips fuelled fluidised bed boilers are working.
- Vertes Power Plant (Oroszlan, Hungary) 180 MW unit. Originally coal fuelled, after refurbishment biomass (wood chips or others) – coal co-fired fluidised bed boilers are working.

Recognising the importance of effective and clean biomass firing, its advantages and not negligible disadvantages, we have built up a laboratory test equipment to be able to perform burning tests using different fuel mixes. Burning, flame and ash features can be continuously monitored. Corrosion, emitted materials and firing efficiency are also observed and evaluated. The results of these small scale tests are verified using models and are used in planning of medium/large scale applications mentioned above.

Beside the combustion technology experience and references VEIKI has got capabilities in thermal engineering and process control engineering. Many complex energy efficiency examinations were performed in Hungarian power plants, and several full scale (combustion, thermal, control and instrumentation) power plant refurbishments were also managed by VEIKI.

VEIKI (Institute for Electric Power Research)
Gellérthegy u. 17.
1016 Budapest, Hungary

Prof. I. Krómer
director general
[email protected]
Phone: +36 1 4578273
Fax: +36 1 4578274


 EN14 VEIKI (.pdf, 16 kb)
EN12: Sulzer Chemtech AG, Winterthur

Sulzer Chemtech, AG, Switzerland is looking for potential coordinators proposing FP7 projects on "biofuels".

More details about the field of activity and the expertise of the company are described:[tt_news]=690&cHash=cb237c2d8a

Sulzer Chemtech AG, Winterthur
Mario Roza
[email protected]
+41 52 2626008
8404 Winterthur


 EN12_CH_Biofuels (.pdf, 30 kb)
EN10: Vaasa Energy Institute (Finland)
FP7 – Theme Energy

Vaasa Energy Institute (Finland) is highly interested in joining a project consortium within FP7 – Theme Energy.
We are looking for cooperation possibilities especially within the following topics:
- Biodiesel from oil crops, animal tallow and used cooking oils (2007.3.1.2.)
- Harmonisation of biomass resource assessment (2007.3.7.1.)
- Develop and validate innovative control strategies and network architectures for active networks
with large-scale penetration of renewable sources and distributed generation (2007.7.1.1.)
- Develop new tools to simulate smart distribution networks (2007.7.1.2.)
- The value of innovative storage solutions for smart networks (2007.7.3.2.)
- Analysis and scenarios of energy infrastructure evolution (2007.7.3.4.)
- More efficient integration of renewable energy into future infrastructures (2007.7.3.5.)
- Energy behavioural changes (2007.9.1.2.)

We have specific competence in those fields and would like to offer this expertise to a European level consortium.
Ideally, we would like to participate in your consortium as active R&D partners.

Vaasa Energy Institute
University of Vaasa
Pekka Peura
P.O. BOX 700
FIN-65101 Vaasa, Finland
Email: [email protected]
Tel. + 358 6 3248 451,
Gsm + 358 44 0244 451


Troyka makine gida sanayii danismanlik ve pazarlama ltd. Sirketi

We are looking for partners and/or coordinators for the following three European Union Framework Program 7 (EU FP7) project topics:
- CO2 Capture: Fluid bed based capture techniques
- Cross Cutting and Regulatory Issues: Support to regularity activities for CO2 capture and storage
- Cross Cutting and Regulatory Issues: Support to international collaboration in zero emission power generation

Prof. Dr. Nuri Akkas
Tel: +90 312 210 13 00 ext. 406
[email protected]
TROYKA makine gida sanayii danismanlik ve pazarlama ltd. Sirketi
ODTU – KOSGEB Teknoloji Merkezi No: 406
06531 Ankara, Turkey


 EN9 TROYKA (.pdf, 38 kb)
EN8: Renewables
FP7-Energy-2007-1-RTD / FP7-Energy-2007-2-TREN

Research & design institute for automation, based in Bucharest, Romania, has more than 45 years of experience in the domain of research and development, design, service and consultancy for automation and IT equipment and systems.
The expertise of our multidisciplinary team offers technical sound solutions and complex services for a broad range of processes related to thermal, hydro, and renewable energy production sector.

Res. Eng. Virgil Olaru (RO):
+ 4021 3180046 , [email protected]
Address of seat S.C. IPA S.A.
014459, 169, Calea Floreasca Str., Building P1,
Floor 4, Room 1, Sector 1, Bucharest, Romania
Tel : +4021 316 1616;
Fax : +4021 316 1620  

For further information PLEASE CONTACT:
Viorel Laurentiu Ioanas - National Authority for Scientific Research
Address: Mendeleev Street, nr. 21-25,
postal code 010362, sector 1, Bucharest, Romania
tel: +40 21 311 35 50
fax: +40 21 311 35 50
[email protected]
[email protected]


 EN8 RO Renewables (.pdf, 60 kb)
EN7: Biofuels, Biorefinery, Polygeneration: Cukurova University sucht Konsortium für gemeinsames Projekt

Die Cukurova University Research Group on Chemical Processing at High Pressure sucht ein Konsortium zur Einreichung eines gemeinsamen Forschungsprojektes. Expertise: high-pressure processing, extraction, separation and purification of biomass and fossil fuel products.

Prof. Dr. Oktay Erbatur
Cukurova Universitesi
Fen Edebiyat Fakultesi
e-mail: [email protected]
phone: +90-322-338 6540


 EN7 TurkUniCuk_EoI (.pdf, 37 kb)