Archiv Partner sucht Konsortium Energie
Academy of Diagnostics Ukraine sucht Konsortium
Topic energy.2009.7.1.1: Optimisation of the electricity grid with large scale renewable and storage.
Topic energy.2009.8.1.1: Energy efficiency in energy intensive industry
Topic energy 2009.9.2.1: European scientific multidisciplinary "think-tank" to support energy policy and to assess the potential impacts of its measures.

Organisation expertise:
A lot of years we conduct researches of informative energies, (S-radiations), which are generated by the energy-informa tional structure (ES) of any tense matter. Their results showed that properties of S-radiations had stipulated that any electric machine, including generators of power-stations, produce S- radiations. They, together with an electric current, circulate on electric networks and partly disperse round high-voltage send-offs, carrying away with thus electromagnetic energy.
In the devices of cellular they will be transformed in high-frequency S- radiations which adsorb , from aerials the energy-informaionals fields (EF). We first watched after in the spectrum of S- radiations, that in summer 2003 the most enormous EF arrived on Earth. It was divided into shallow EF, which occupied quickly, at least, all
of Europe and at once began to adsorb informative energies from aerials, networks and people.
Now EF developed so that S- radiations of high-voltage networks adsorb fully, that some increased the losses of electric power. They filled also all of buildings and transport. Therefore now EF constantly adsorbs energies from people that negatively influences on ES of man and makes worse the health of population.
EF adsorb also energies from geopatogennic radiations,. Because of that the field which forms the magnetic field of Earth from them loses ability to reflect space Sradiations. Instead it takes them and skips planets through poles. Because of that the arctic areas of Earth are pierced by the streams of space S- radiations. They change properties of water, as a result arctic ices melt and the rates of global warmer increase. Consequently, paces of global changes are set the by growth of EF. To slow him, it is necessary to eliminate possibility of EF to adsorb S- radiations from a technique.
Therefore a project foresees development of standards on limitation of S- radiations from the generators of power-stations and other technique. Development of the proper measures of policy will allow to enter them in an action, that will slow growth of EF. As a result the total losses in networks, and also rates of global changes, including rises in the temperature of climate will go down.

Expertise required:
Experience with multidisciplinary approach to policy analysis of Environmental,economic, technical, trade and legal issues Research and Innovation:In the context of the European Strategic Energy Technology Plan (SET plan) to support the rapid development of Community policy by providing inputs to the assessment of potential impacts of policy alternatives and options


Dr. Vasil Korniyenko
Academy of Diagnostics Ukraine
T +38-068-192 13-99
[email protected]

 Smart Networks policy (.pdf, 187 kb)
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