Archiv Partner sucht Konsortium Energie
Expertise Offer: Swiss company NOLARIS
2010.2.9-1 Demonstration of innovative multi-purpose solar power plant
Nolaris is an engineering company specialized in the design and implementation of solar systems based on an innovative floating and rotating platform (Solar Islands) tracking the sun in azimuth. By implementing a simplified mechanics, this solution is therefore expected to produce a significant cost reduction with respect to other solar systems based on individual elevation tracking optics.
Nolaris has a qualified team of engineer owning all the necessary core know-how and competences covering all the aspects of the Solar Islands project.
Nolaris know-how ranges from specific design aspects (optics, fluid-dynamics) to system integration and applications, thus allowing carrying out fully internally the conceptual and preliminary design of the system as well as the validation of the design solutions on prototypes.


NOLARIS SA in Switzerland, www.nolaris.com
T +41-(0)32-720 51-63
[email protected]

 NOLARIS (.pdf, 68 kb)
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