Archiv Partner sucht Konsortium Energie
Linz AG, sucht Koordinator
Joint Call FP7-ICT-ENERGY-2009-1, Novel ICT Solutions for Smart Electricity Distribution Networks

LINZ AG for Energy, Telecommunications, Transport and Community Services.
LINZ AG is run as an active management holding with four operative subsidiaries and with one service subsidiary. LINZ AG is a multi utility, which serves an area of approx. 2.243 square kilometres and employs approx. 2.700 members of staff. One of the operative subsidiaries is the energy division, with electricity generation, distribution and telecommunications (LINZ STROM,) as well as gas and district heating (LINZ GAS / WÄRME).

We are looking for a consortium wanting to work on the abovementioned call. Our main intentions for a participation in a project are:

  • Integration of distributed generation (DG, small & medium scale)
  • Algorithms and possibilities to control DG while maintaining economic, ecological and power quality requirements
  • Data-mining and higher level conclusions drawing out of distributed data collected from the grid and from the environment (Software solutions on cross correlate huge amounts of data)
  • Requirements Engineering, contribute from an utilities point of view
  • System Architecture design on requirements level
  • System Validation and Field Trials in our grid & infrastructure
  • Get an updated picture on the technological roadmap & practical feasibility of such smart grid solutions & technologies

Being able to offer advanced services to our customers


DI Siegfried Loicht 
T +43 (0)5 7755 - 4304
F +43 (0)5 7755 - 94300
[email protected]

 Linz AG (.pdf, 86 kb)
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