Archiv Partner sucht Konsortium Energie
Expertise Offer: Fraunhofer Gesellschaft - IAIS (DE)
Topic ENERGY.2011.5.2-1: Understanding the long-term fate of geologically stored CO2
For the geological storage of carbon dioxide we offer Visual Analytics Systems for reservoir characterization and site specific injection studies. We execute and lead the R&D work for the international oil&gas industry consortium VRGeo since 12+ years and we are experts in interactive visualization systems for geological and geophysical analysis. Our methodology enables users to analyze and interact with geological data of different sources, arbitrary size and scale and it combines the strengths of computers and humans in an iterative feedback loop, Apart from the data visualization itself, we offer task-specific data interfaces that enable multi-disciplinary work teams to access and interact with data in a natural and intuitive way. Related to CCS, our methodology eventually leads to a precision depth mapping of 3D seismic data and a detailed knowledge of reservoir stratigraphy for well-informed decision making.


 Manfred Bogen, Ph.D.
Fraunhofer Gesellschaft
T +49-2241-1423-67
[email protected]

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