Archiv Partner sucht Konsortium Energie
Expertise Offer: University of Cyprus
Electric power systems, power system optimization, operation and control, wind energy
The KIOS Research Center for Intelligent Systems and Networks (www.kios.org.cy ) at the University of Cyprus is a new and rapidly expanding research center aiming at the development of intelligent monitoring, control and security methodologies for large-scale, complex and safety-critical systems. One of the specific areas of interest is electric power systems. The research team in power systems is led by Assistant Professor Elias Kyriakides ([email protected]) and comprises post-doctoral, doctoral, and M.Sc. researchers that are working in areas such as wide area monitoring and control of power systems, state estimation, economic dispatch, wind energy, parameter estimation of synchronous generators and power system operation optimization.
The research team is involved in industrial, national, and EU projects. It is a dynamic and forward-looking research team with deep knowledge of the operation of power systems and the problems facing the power industry.
We are looking to expand our collaborations and assist in the development of new research proposals in the area of power systems.


 Elias Kyriakides
KIOS Research Center for Intelligent Systems and Networks, University of Cyprus
T +357-22-8922-91
[email protected]

 Expertise Offer UCY (.pdf, 43 kb)
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