EU Initiatives

EU-Initiatives are projects funded by the European Commission, in which FFG is partner or coordinator.

The main goal of these EU-Initiatives is the encouragement and support of specific target groups in their participation in the EU Framework Programme for Research and Technological Development.

Within the framework of such EU-Initiatives FFG offers specific support actions for project submitters/proposers, such as partner-search databases, trainings or partnering events.

In the field of "International Cooperation" FFG is partner in the following projects:

    Cooperation of Regions for Innovation

    Connecting Russian and European Technology and Innovation Systems

    Opening up the European Research Area to the Western Balkan

    Intensifying Activities between the European Research Area and Western Balkan Countries

    FP6 National Information Point System for Bosnia-Hercegovina

  • IncoNet EECA
    S&T International Cooperation Network for Eastern European and Central Asian Countries 

  • REGinNET
    Regional Approach towards FP6
    Network of Contact Points in Large Accession Candidate Countries and Member States

    Supporting the Participation of Russian Regions in EU RTD Programmes

    Expanding ERA over Russia

  • see-science.eu
    Information Office of the Steering Platform for the Western Balkan Countries

  • wbc-inco.net
    Co-ordination of Research Policies with the Western Balkan Countries
Important Notice!

Dear English-speaking visitor,

the rp7.ffg.at website is primarily designed for the Austrian research community and thus more detailed in the German language than in English.
The English version of this website contains only basic information on FP7 and partly detailed information on partner searches and the services FFG provides.

If you are German-speaking please switch to “German” for more detailed information by clicking on the link: “Deutsch” near the top right corner of the page!

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