
FFG - Partnersearch Archive

Partnersearch Archive

16.12.2009 Spanische Forschergruppe sucht Partner
 KBBE.2010.2.4-01: Improving integration in food safety research
16.12.2009 Spanische Forschergruppe sucht Partner
 KBBE.2010.2.5-02: Eco-challenges in the food chain of the Latin American region
02.12.2009 Israelisches Unternehmen MIGAL sucht Partner
 KBBE.2010.1.4-03: Assessment of transition pathways to sustainable agriculture and social and technological innovation needs
30.11.2009 Technische Universität München sucht Partner
 KBBE.2010.3.3-02: Biotechnology for 'greening' the chemical industry - Industrial bioprocesses for fine and speciality chemicals and intermediates