Archiv Koordinator sucht Partner


11.08.2009 “Integrated safety and security for surface transport systems”
 SST.2010.4.1.1, safety and security by design in transport stations and terminals
28.04.2008 TRANSCALILAR - Urban logistic processes and last mile freight delivery systems: new efficient and sustainable solutions
 SST.2008.3.1.4. Urban freight delivery systems
21.04.2008 RAILNET - Permanent Monitoring of Railways Infrastructures Using Autonomous Radio Networks
 SST.2008.4.1.1 Security and safety by design
21.04.2008 GOLIAT - Permanent Monitoring of Railways Infrastructures Using Autonomous Radio Networks
 SST.2008.5.2.2 Competitive transport operation and SST.2008.4.1.1 Security and safety by design
08.04.2008 GATS - Global Automated Transport System
 FP7- Sustainable Surface Transport (SST) - 2008- RTD-1
25.03.2008 GREEN IN WHEEL - Development of a novel electric-hybrid power train for heavy vehicles based on in-wheel concept
 SST.2008.1.1.2 Electric-hybrid powertrains
03.03.2008 AWSAMCA - Automatic Warning System to Avoid Multiple Car Accidents
 SST.2008.4.1.1 Safety and security by design
28.02.2008 SCRATCH - Support for CollaboRative Aeronautical TeChnical ResearcH
 Proposals to be submitted to the FP7 2nd CP
27.02.2008 MEPS - Europe Mobile Platform for Safety
 SST-2008-4.1.1 Safety and Security by design
10.12.2007 Estimation and calibration of Origin-Destination matrices
08.05.2007 VK4: INTERRS - Intelligent Road Restrain System based on actively controlled adaptive barriers
 EU 7FP Intelligent Road Restrain Systems SST.2007.4.1.6
21.03.2007 VK3: Mechatronic System for Active Safety of Light Duty Vehicles
 SST.2007.4.1.1 Safety and security by design
 MOSTOSTAL WARSZAWA would like to join a consortium and participate in a proposal
15.03.2007 VK1: PRECITRANS - An efficient PREfecture and CIty system for public TRANSport
 FP7 – Cooperation – Sustainable Surface Transport
26.02.2007 French cities for CIVITAS


24.02.2009 Italienischer Koordinator sucht Partner - TBD
 GALILEO.2008.1.1.1 Use of EGNOS Services for Mass Market
18.02.2009 Galileo for Urban Logistics
26.01.2009 SMARTBUS
23.11.2007 Digital GNSS receiver
 DIGINEXT, französiche Firma sucht Partner
30.01.2008 Request for partners for the GSA call on LBS


23.03.2007 LF2: AdCoNA - Adaptive Composite Noise Absorbers
16.03.2007 LF1: Projects Proposals under preparation


27.10.2008 Clean Sky: The Green Rotorcraft ITD is looking for a diesel engine supplier
 Pre-announcement: Green Rotorcraft call in 2009
15.03.2007 IMT3: AZ-CDEI
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