Sustainable use and management of land and seas

The challenge

In times of overpopulation and consumerism, the pressure on limited resources is constantly increasing and threatening the global environmental, economic and societal balance. The European Commission has acknowledged the threat and - within the EU 2020 strategy - focused its strategic priorities in a way to achieve economic growth that is smart, sustainable and inclusive. In order to achieve this goal concepts are required that promote the conservation and sustainable management of both natural and human-made resources.
Policy background
 EU Strategy: Europe 2020 (.pdf, 151 kb)
 GEOSS for Ecosystems (2010) (.pdf, 7121 kb)

Selected projects
All FP projects on Resources Management
Key FP projects on Resources Management

Related links
2010 International Year on Biodiversity
GEO BON - Biodiversity Observation Network
UN Convention on Biodiversity (CBD)
The Sixth Environment Action Programme of the European Community 2002-2012
ESDAC – European Soil Data Centre
EFDAC – European Forest Data Centre
European Water Data Centre
Environmental Data Centre for Land Use
European Biodiversity Data Centre
European Long-term Ecosystem Research Network
UNEP - World conservation Monitoring Center
Global Biodiversity Information Facility
Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services

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