Improving resource efficiency

The Challenge

Environmental technologies are those tools and applications that can decrease material inputs, reduce energy consumption and emissions, recover valuable by-products and minimise waste. In general they are lean and resource-efficient technologies that can help to reduce the impact on the environment. Environmental technologies are about greening the economy and as such are the missing link between raising competitiveness in the European economy and making sure that our development is sustainable.

Policy background
 EU Strategy: Europe 2020 (.pdf, 151 kb)
National ETAP roadmaps
European Economic Recovery Plan 2010-2013 - Public Private Partnerships in Research Activities (2009)

Selected projects
All FP projects on Environmental technologies
Key FP projects on Environmental technologies

Related links
Eco-Innovation observatory
Public Private Partnerships (PPP) - European Green Cars Initiative
European Factories of the Future Research Association (EFFRA)
Energy-Efficient Buildings Association (E2BA)
ECO-Innovation in the Competitiveness and Innovation Programme (CIP)
LIFE+ Environment Programme

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