Archiv Partnersuche Weltraum
Transnational Innovation oriented Network on Earth Observation and Natural Hazard technologies (TINEONH)
Italienische Koordinatorin sucht PartnerInnen für SEE Projekt:

This project aims to create a new Transnational Innovation oriented Network operating in the field of Earth Observation and Natural Hazard (TINEONH) in the SEE Area.

 TINEONH will foster the cooperation between research centres, technology and innovation actors  and authority operating either at local level and at transnational level in SEE Regions. This strategic objective will be hit starting from the project partnership, indeed, the involved actors are research centres, scientific institutions, national and regional authorities, technology transfer institutions.

The TINEONH will represent an example of how the Cohesion Policy can concretely support regional excellence and encourage an integrated approach between research and innovation instruments and cooperation models. This project will create a collaborative multi-force setting able to affect transnational research policy in the field of Earth Observation and Natural Hazard technologies.



Dr. Monica  Proto
T +39-0971-427-229
[email protected]

 SEE__idea_TINEONH_en (.pdf, 58 kb)
 TERN-en (.pdf, 1356 kb)
 SEE_PPT.pdf (.pdf, 282 kb)
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