Archiv Partnersuche Weltraum

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CLASS - Classification Accuracy Assessment System

Project description: The main objective of project proposal (CLASS) is the development of an innovative accuracy assessment system applied to forest-cover maps, based on the use of remotely sensed data with higher resolution in order to scale down the accuracy assessment process. The system carries out a multi-scale hierarchical approach based on different sensor data. Especially, specific methods and tools are defined that allow assessing the map accuracy based on more detailed classified maps of selected sample units. The implementation of the accuracy assessment system constitutes a prototype GIS (Geographical Information System) application. Geospatial functionalities are integrated in the development of the methods and tools defined for assessing the accuracy of classified maps by means of remotely sensed data. The application of the proposed system offers the advantage of an (semi-) automated and reproducible approach and therefore it lays the bases for a further standard solution based on the remotely sensed data for an automated accuracy assessment. In addition, the accuracy assessment system could result very useful for assessing the accuracy of global forest-cover maps. The proposed (semi-) automated approach could greatly simplify and expedite the task of validating the classified forest-cover maps, so that they can readily be performed for measuring forest variables and changes. More generally the application could be useful for the validation of thematic land cover maps, such as the High Resolution layers developed in the Fast Track Service Precursor of GMES and foreseen in the GMES Initial Operations 2011-2013 and the future involments resulting from the Guidelines of INSPIRE annex II theme Land Cover. Then, the use of this application could decrease the expenditures for assessing the accuracy in the GMES programme, which, for example, required for the Corine Land Cover 2009 two country visits for each of the 38 countries participating to the project. Topic: SPA.2010.1.1-04 -Stimulating the Development of GMES Services in Specific Areas

Partner sought Type: University, Government/public Institution
Country: EU except Italy and Spain, all Associated Countries, Mediterranean countries
Expertise required: production and validation of forest-cover maps based on field survey data, end-user expertise in classification accuracy assessment systems

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Contact-less harmonic drives
SPA.2010.2.2-01 Space Technologies Mechanisms & tribology: dry lubricated harmonic drives for space application

Project Description: The proposal is based in a new technology invented by the team of the leader partner (Universidad Carlos III). The invention consists on a mechanism of a harmonic drive kind but based on magnetic/superconductor teeth gearing. This mechanism avoids wearing and contact between parts.
The mechanism will provide a very high reduction ratio and can be used in vacuum and cryogenic conditions.

Keywords: Harmonic drive, magneto mechanics, contact-less mechanisms, cryomechanisms, dry lubrication, mechanisms for space application

Partner(s) searched:
- Expertise in soft  magnetic materials.Able to design and manufacture soft magnetic pieces
- Expertise in superconducting  materials
- Ability to manufacture superconducting pieces
- Facilities for Cryogenic testing


Jose  L. Perez-Diaz
Mechanical Engineering Dpt. University Carlos III of Madrid
T +34-624-99-12
[email protected]

Method and functional model in order to experiment the adsorption process of metallic ions (Ca, Pb, Cd) on different adsorbents in the microgravity conditions
Searching EU partners for a FP7 project proposal on FP7-SPACE-2009-1
During a spatial human expedition, water is a vital source for life maintaining both for equipage and for life maintaining systems from the shuttle. But water is also a quantitative limited resource.
Therefore, it is important to recycle this limited resource into life maintaining systems, as much as possible. This could be only performed by pollutants removal by means of chemically available procedures, finally obtaining pure water.


Dr. Mihaela  Stoica
Senior Researcher at R&D Institute for Metals and Radioactive Resources Bucharest, Romania
[email protected]

 Romanian organization (.doc, 32 kb)
Coordinated ground-based and space observing systems toward natural disaster forecasting and/or monitoring of multihazard seimogenic risks
Activity: 9.1 Space-based applications at the service of European society
Activity 6.4 Earth observation and assessment tools for sustainable development

The overall objective of the proposed idea is to specify, design, implement and validate a generic usage of information for production and exchange of data products capable for risk prevention and risk event management. The project is focused on risks typical to seismic regions, mainly earthquakes, landslides, tsunamis, floods, etc. Main seismic regions in Europe are Greece, Italy, Bulgaria, Turkey, FYR Macedonia, Portugal, etc.


Dr. Petko Nenovski
Geophysical Institute, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
T +359-2-979-3339
F +359-2-971-3005
[email protected]

 FP7_Space_Praga (.ppt, 60 kb)
Transnational Innovation oriented Network on Earth Observation and Natural Hazard technologies (TINEONH)
Italienische Koordinatorin sucht PartnerInnen für SEE Projekt:

This project aims to create a new Transnational Innovation oriented Network operating in the field of Earth Observation and Natural Hazard (TINEONH) in the SEE Area.

 TINEONH will foster the cooperation between research centres, technology and innovation actors  and authority operating either at local level and at transnational level in SEE Regions. This strategic objective will be hit starting from the project partnership, indeed, the involved actors are research centres, scientific institutions, national and regional authorities, technology transfer institutions.

The TINEONH will represent an example of how the Cohesion Policy can concretely support regional excellence and encourage an integrated approach between research and innovation instruments and cooperation models. This project will create a collaborative multi-force setting able to affect transnational research policy in the field of Earth Observation and Natural Hazard technologies.



Dr. Monica  Proto
T +39-0971-427-229
[email protected]

 SEE__idea_TINEONH_en (.pdf, 58 kb)
 TERN-en (.pdf, 1356 kb)
 SEE_PPT.pdf (.pdf, 282 kb)
WR1: SWEP - Space Weather and the Environmental Parameters
FP7-SPACE-2007-1; SPA.2007.2.1.01 Space Science

Considering that the meteorological and ground environmental parameters depend partly on effects due to the solid Earth evolution, partly on the human activities/pollution and biosphere evolution, partly on the space effects, the latter dependency is intended to be differentiated and modelled. Specifically, the present project is intended to link together, by the common target, the different sectors of research: (1) solar physics: the Sun emits flares and coronal mass ejections which propagate through the  interplanetary space according to their original energy and properties; (2) interplanetary physics: the solar emissions propagate through the interplanetary space plasmas, interacting with the solar wind emitted at previous times; (3) physics of the near-Earth space: the impact between interplanetary wind and the terrestrial system (magnetosphere, ionosphere, atmosphere) depends on the specific dynamics of the interplanetary and terrestrial parameters at the merging regions/points; (4) physics of the Earth: global monitoring of the geo-environment and its changes in terms of geomagnetic, geoelectric, climate, temperature and vegetated-glaced-oceanic regions will be performed by ground based observations and, above all, geo- satellite data. The implications of these researches span from climate to  agricultural planning, to drought and flooding and generic environmental hazard monitoring and managing.

Partner gesucht:
SME: Research expertises (basic research or technological innovation) in solar observation, interplanetary space in the near Earth, and terrestrial geomagnetic monitoring, terrestrial magnetosphere and ionosphere

Paola Ballatore
[email protected]
Via perlingieri,
1 (c/o Villa dei Papi),
82100, Benevento, Italy


 WR1 SWEP (.pdf, 97 kb)