Partner sucht Konsortium
JTI-FCH Call-2013 Partner offer of a Spanish Research Center (CIEMAT)
Partners in the area of Hydrogen Storage sought

The Fuel Cells Unit of Ciemat works on the development of materials, electrodes and components for fuel cells. Two types of technologies are involved, low temperature fuel cells (PEMFC) and high temperature fuel cells (SOFC). Also, integration of fuel cells within energy conversion systems, including renewables and hydrogen production, is covered by the unit.

Within materials synthesis and electrode preparations, the FC unit has unique expertise in advanced deposition techniques, like electrospray and electrochemical deposition, with demonstrated good performance if compared with standard techniques. In addition, a laboratory with characterization techniques for testing materials and electrode performances is available, based on voltammetries, rotating disk electrode, electrochemical microbalance, and mass spectrometry.

Electrodes and other components are used for single cell testing within home made test benches, both for low and high temperature fuel cells. Characterization protocols are applied in accordance with latest standards developed by IEC/TC 105 working group with active participation of the unit.

Within PEMFC technology, single air breathing cells are currently developed with superior performance, and application in portable electronic devices. These cells are currently under patent consideration.


 Antonio Martínez Chaparro
T +34-913-460-897
[email protected]

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