
FFG - 3rd Austrian-Croatian Science Days



 R. König: The 7th EU framework programme - Funding Opportunities for Austrian-Croatian RTD cooperation (.pdf, 418 kb)
 G. Prutki-Pecnik: FP7 EU framework programme for RTD - results from FP6 and new opportunities for cooperation between Austria and Croatia (.pdf, 136 kb)
 G. Prutki-Pecnik: EUREKA - a catalyst for collaboration (.pdf, 153 kb)
 P. Zwirn: The Austrian Research Promotion Agency - your service partner for national and international R&D projects (.pdf, 713 kb)
 N. Zarkovic: COST - European cooperation in the field of scientific and technical research (.pdf, 929 kb)
 B. Ravlic: Wissenschaftliche und technologische Zusammenarbeit Kroatien - Österreich (.pdf, 142 kb)
 G. Zieger: Science and technology agreement between Austria and Croatia (.pdf, 45 kb)
 F. Gruber: Southeast European Era-Net (SEE-ERA.NET) (.pdf, 247 kb)
 G. Panholzer: The programmes CIR-CE and COIN - fostering transnational SME-networks in innovation and research (.pdf, 604 kb)
 B. Pelzl: The Cooperation between JOANNEUM RESEARCH and Ruder Bošković Institute – Regional Perspectives (.pdf, 864 kb)
 M. Zinic: The cooperation between JOANNEUM RESEARCH and the RUDJER BOSKOVIC INSTITUTE – regional perspectives (.pdf, 3703 kb)
 H. Prpic: BICRO - Business Innovation Center of Croatia (.pdf, 667 kb)
 P. Munivrana: Croatian Institute of Technology (.pdf, 578 kb)
 G. Rainer: AVL – an example for industrial R&D cooperation (.pdf, 346 kb)
 R. König: ERA WESTBALKAN+ intensifying the European research area in Western Balkan Countries (.pdf, 87 kb)