Archiv Partnersuche Weltraum
WR1: SWEP - Space Weather and the Environmental Parameters
FP7-SPACE-2007-1; SPA.2007.2.1.01 Space Science

Considering that the meteorological and ground environmental parameters depend partly on effects due to the solid Earth evolution, partly on the human activities/pollution and biosphere evolution, partly on the space effects, the latter dependency is intended to be differentiated and modelled. Specifically, the present project is intended to link together, by the common target, the different sectors of research: (1) solar physics: the Sun emits flares and coronal mass ejections which propagate through the  interplanetary space according to their original energy and properties; (2) interplanetary physics: the solar emissions propagate through the interplanetary space plasmas, interacting with the solar wind emitted at previous times; (3) physics of the near-Earth space: the impact between interplanetary wind and the terrestrial system (magnetosphere, ionosphere, atmosphere) depends on the specific dynamics of the interplanetary and terrestrial parameters at the merging regions/points; (4) physics of the Earth: global monitoring of the geo-environment and its changes in terms of geomagnetic, geoelectric, climate, temperature and vegetated-glaced-oceanic regions will be performed by ground based observations and, above all, geo- satellite data. The implications of these researches span from climate to  agricultural planning, to drought and flooding and generic environmental hazard monitoring and managing.

Partner gesucht:
SME: Research expertises (basic research or technological innovation) in solar observation, interplanetary space in the near Earth, and terrestrial geomagnetic monitoring, terrestrial magnetosphere and ionosphere

Paola Ballatore
[email protected]
Via perlingieri,
1 (c/o Villa dei Papi),
82100, Benevento, Italy


 WR1 SWEP (.pdf, 97 kb)
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