Africa and Europe in Partnership

As Newton once said: "We build too many walls and not enough bridges". That is why Jean Ping, President of the African Union Commission, and José Manuel Barroso, President of the European Commission, want to build bridges between these two continents, their countries and their peoples.

They have a dream for Africa and Europe: a path of shared development and progress for all, the way to reach this goal is through dialogue, common approach and joint decisions.

That is why they launched a new partnership in 2007 for Europe and Africa at the Lisbon Summit in order to face together the challenges of the twenty first century.

Internet offers an outstanding opportunity to make information available to millions of people in different corners of the world and is a potentially powerful communication tool.

This joint portal is part of the Africa - EU strategic partnership:

  • it allows all interested parties to see progress as it happens,
  • it brings together civil society organizations, experts and decision makers,
  • it creates a forum for debate about the future.

Further information: http://www.africa-eu-partnership.org

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