FP7 Training and Brokerage Event: Transport

Datum11.10.2011 - 12.10.2011   (09:00 - 18:00)


Electra Palace Hotel, Thessaloniki


WBC-INCO-NET is organising a Training Workshop and a Brokerage event with a focus on Transport. The events will take place on 11 and on 12 October 2011 in Thessaloniki, Greece, at the Electra Palace Hotel. They are locally co-organised by the South East European Research Centre (SEERC: www.seerc.org) and by the General Secretariat for Research and Technology (GSRT: www.gsrt.gr) respectively with the collaboration and support of the Hellenic Institute of Transport, Centre for Research and Technology (HIT/CERTH). Both GSRT and SEERC are partners to the WBC-INCO-NET project.

The FP7 Training Workshop
This 1-day workshop is designed to increase the know-how of research managers in the Western Balkan Countries in terms of FP7 preparation and participation. The training targets research managers and researchers from the region and is designed around the topic of ICT and Transport/Logistics. The inter-active, training will cover topics such as the preparation of research proposals, building consortia, research project management (covering the entire project cycle management), and funding opportunities. It addresses researchers as well as members of the academic and business community particularly - but not exclusively - from the Western Balkan countries. It intends to provide the necessary guidance and information through in-depth training sessions combined with examples. At the end of the workshop, participants will be expected to:
  • have acquired a solid overview of the FP7 Transport Call published in July 2011 and of how to read through the objectives and respond to them in a precise manner,
  • have understood the groundwork and networking required for preparing a proposal for a FP7 Call,
  • have gained useful insight on how to successfully implement a project once granted and how to manage it according to the administrative and financial requirements of the European Commission.
The Brokerage Event
With regard the WBC-INCO.NET's objective to enhance the participation of researchers from the WBC in European projects the third Brokerage Event organised within the project's Work Package 5 "Facilitating Networking and Increase Participation in FP7" will be held in Thessaloniki, Greece, on 12 October 2011. Covering the topic Transport the event aims at establishing contacts between parties from the EU and the WBC interested in developing joint European projects via submitting proposals to the FP7 Call on Transport published on 20 July 2011. The event (in English language) offers the opportunity to researchers and stakeholders (academia, industry, research institutions, SMEs) from the EU and the WBC appointed in the field of Transport to meet both potential project coordinators and potential project partners in a networking environment.

further information

at www.wbc-inco.net
