Information Days - FP7 Environment and Eco Innovation Calls 2011

Datum12.07.2010 - 13.07.2010   ( - )


Centre Albert Borschette, Brussels
Objectives and RegistrationThis one-and-a-half day event will highlight the main features and novelties of the forthcoming calls and provide guidance on proposal preparation and submission.
Starting off on Monday afternoon, the first day will be dedicated entirely to the objectives, instruments and activities of the 2011 Work Programme, including administrative aspects. Tuesday morning will be dedicated to the 2011 Eco Innovation Call. Throughout the day, participants will be given the opportunity to present their concepts and ideas in thematic brokerage sessions. For a detailed overview, please download the Agenda. Registration is compulsory and closes on 7 July.

 Agenda (.pdf, 330 kb)
Overview Workprogramme 2011 (.pdf, 331 kb)