
Cooperation: Thematically focused measures of international cooperation

  1. Open access to participation of third-country partners in research projects in the ten thematic areas and further specific measures for international cooperation
  2. Specific international cooperation actions (SICA) in each thematic area dedicated to third countries on topics of mutual and global interest, such as:
    • Health: pandemics, global health issues, AIDS, etc.
    • Energy: measures to achieve the millennium goals, ecologic effects of energy policies, etc.

These actions will be subject of targeted calls.


People: International measures for the promotion of human resources

Recognizing the international dimension as a fundamental component of human resources in R&D in Europe, this dimension is addressed through dedicated actions both in terms of career development of European researchers and in terms of strengthening international cooperation through researchers.

  • „Outgoing International Fellowships“: fellowships for research activities outside of Europe
  • „Return and International Reintegration Grants“: financial support for the reintegration of experienced researchers after an international experience
  • „Incoming International Fellowships“: in order to attract highly-qualified third-country researchers
  • Partnerships between several research organizations in Europe and one or more organizations in countries covered by the European Neighborhood policy (ENP) and/or countries with which the EU has an S&T agreement will enhance the international cooperation on institutional level.

Capacities: Horizontal support measures of international cooperation

Key elements of the “Capacities” programme are, besides optimizing the use and development of research infrastructures, the strengthening of innovative capacities of SMEs, the support of development of regional clusters, etc., also actions to enhance international cooperation, like

  • Regional priority setting and definition of S&T cooperation policies
  • Enhancement and development of S&T cooperation partnerships including structural activities and networks
  • Supporting coordination of national policies and activities on international S&T cooperation