

Supporting a European Space Programme focusing on applications such as GMES with benefits for citizens and for the competitiveness of the European space industry. This will contribute to the development of a European Space Policy, complementing efforts by Member States and by other key players, including the European Space Agency (ESA).


In this field, the Community will contribute to the definition of common objectives based on user requirements and policy objectives; to the coordination of activities, to the avoidance of duplications, to the facilitation of interoperability and to the improvement of cost-effectiveness. It will also contribute to the definition of standards. The European Space Policy will serve the objectives of the public authorities and decision-makers while strengthening the competitiveness of the European industry. It will be implemented through a European Space Programme, and the Seventh Framework Programme will contribute to support or complement research and technological development actions provided by other stakeholders, public and private, in Europe.
Actions in this theme will support Community policy objectives, for example in the fields of agriculture, forestry, fisheries, environment, telecommunications, security, development, health, humanitarian aid, transport, science, education as well as ensuring that Europe is involved in regional and international cooperation. Space tools are also foreseen to contribute to law enforcement in some of these fields.
With particular focus on the use of existing capabilities in Europe, the activities set out in this priority aim primarily at: the exploitation of space assets for the implementation of applications, in particular GMES (Global Monitoring for Environment and Security) which together with Galileo represents the flagship of the European Space Policy, as well as space exploration efforts; and enabling technologies supporting the strategic role of the European Union.


• Space-based applications at the service of the European Society
– Global Monitoring for Environment and Security (GMES)
The objective is to develop appropriate satellite based monitoring and early warning systems,
including for the safety of citizens, as unique and globally available data sources and to consolidate and stimulate evolution of their operational use. This programme will also provide support to the development of operational GMES services, which enable decision-makers to better anticipate or mitigate crisis situations and issues relating to the management of the environment and security and the handling of natural disasters, starting with "fast-track" services on Emergency Response, Land Monitoring and Marine Services. Research activities should mainly contribute to maximise the use of GMES data collected from space-borne sources and to integrating these with data from other observation systems in complex products designed to deliver information and customised services to end-users through an efficient data integration and information management.
Other satellite technologies (e.g. Communication, Navigation) will be integrated, where necessary, into the development of GMES services. Research activities should also contribute to enhance monitoring techniques and associated instrument technologies, to develop where necessary new space-based systems or improve the interoperability of existing ones, and to enable their use in (pre-)operational services responding to specific types of demand.
Research should support the development of sustainable space-based and in situ (including ground-based and airborne) systems in particular: for land monitoring, ocean monitoring and crisis management, with frequent, high-resolution imagery for zones of high importance, including sensitive, urban and rapidly evolving zones; for risk prevention and risk management and all kinds of emergency, enhancing convergence with non-space systems.

– Security aspects (complementary to security research and to GMES activities)
The EC SPASEC Report  underlined that space services play such a key role in the well-being of European society that protection of critical infrastructure in the space sector is a priority. This may need services and capabilities for surveillance of space based assets as well as protection for terrestrial infrastructure. The space surveillance system could for example provide information concerning the main characteristics of satellites (e.g. orbital parameters, activity status), the main characteristics of potentially threatening debris (e.g. trajectory, physical parameters) and pertinent information related to space weather and Near Earth Objects. Feasibility studies and the financing of demonstration projects can be foreseen in this area.

– Applications of Satellite Communications
The objective is to support innovative satellite communication applications and services, seamlessly integrated in global electronic communication networks, for citizens and enterprises in application sectors encompassing civil protection, security, e-government, telemedicine, tele-education, search and rescue, tourism and leisure activities, transport including fleet management and personal navigation, agriculture, forestry and meteorology. Research emphasis will be on the development of new applications and the deployment of demonstration missions and pre-operational systems where satellite communications represent an efficient response to these needs in terms of GMES downstream services.

• Exploration of space
– The objective is to provide R&D support and maximise scientific added-value through synergies with initiatives of ESA or other entities and agencies at European or national level in the field of space exploration, including related technology transfer implications, and to facilitate access by the scientific community to results/data acquired during exploration missions undertaken in the frame of the European Space Programme. Research activities will be carried out, in particular, through supporting actions, feasibility studies and pre-operational projects.
– Supporting actions and feasibility studies are also envisaged as a means to better coordinate efforts for the development of space-borne telescopes and detectors as well as for data analysis in space sciences. Actions in this context will complement relevant national and international programmes (notably by ESA) and will aim at examining international cooperation opportunities.

• RTD for strengthening space foundations
– Space technology
In general the objective is to support the increase of the competitiveness, cost-effectiveness and independent access of the European space technology sector at large.
In particular that objective could be met through space research and the development for long-term needs including space transportation, for example by: assessing the long-term needs; contributing to system studies taking into account the end-user requirements; contributing to upstream technology research for the next generation of space transportation and propulsion systems.
– Space sciences
The objective is to contribute to the development of advanced technologies to be used in space sciences. Space sciences not only provide deep insights into the structure of the universe, improved understanding of Planet Earth and the Solar System, and a new approach to bio-medicine and life and physical sciences, they are also a strong driving force for new technology developments with many subsequent applications of benefit to society. The Seventh Framework Programme should complement the ongoing scientific programmes where gaps are identified and be in support of scientific activities including on-board the International Space Station (ISS). Supporting activities aiming at facilitating access to scientific data including those obtained from previous missions are also envisaged.

© European Commission - CORDIS

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