Researchers Night 2013 - Information Day
REA - Research Executive Agency

Datum09.10.2012   (14:30 - 16:30)


Covent Garden Cove 2, Meeting room 19/SRD1-19th floor
16, Place Rogier
1000 - BrĂ¼ssel
Researchers Night 2013 - Information DayThe next call for proposals regarding the Researchers' night 2013
(which will take place on 27th September 2013) will be published
on 2 October2012 in the Official Journal.

Registrations (free of charge) have to be sent to Francesca PIERANTOZZI ([email protected]), mentioning the name of the people attending, the institution they belong to as well as their phone number, passport number and email address.Please be aware that the Commission will not cover any travel expenses.

The Information Day, the agenda of which is attached, will not only remind the Researchers' night concept and the tips for success, but also offer opportunities for asking any question to the officials implementing of the action and for getting in touch with other potential operators in various countries, potentially start synergies amongst them, as well as reflecting on the best way to reinforce the European dimension of the event.

 Agenda Reseachers Night 2013 Information Day