Datum09.09.2010   (09:00 - 17:00)


Research Executive Agency - Covent Garden Building, Place Rogier 16
1210 - BrĂ¼ssel
Hintergrund und ZielThis info day will give details on the FP7-SEC-2011-1 call launched on 20 July 2010 under the Security Theme (Priority 10) of the FP7 Cooperation Programme.

The FP7-SEC-2011-1 call offers new research funding opportunities to research institutions, universities, industries, SMEs, civil society organizations and any other security stakeholders.

The event will help you prepare your proposal by offering:
- Networking possibilities;
- Bilateral meetings with Project Officers;
- Answers to your questions linked to call areas;
- Details on the legal and procedural conditions.

The brokerage event will give you opportunity to present your ideas, look for research partners and exchange views.


Participation in this info day is by registration only. Please register until 1st September 2010 by filling out this online registration form.

Registration will be accepted on a "first come first served" basis. Please note that if the event is oversubscribed, the number of representatives per organisation may be limited.

Short presentation

During the brokerage session you can give a short presentation of your research ideas. If you wish to do so, please indicate it in the registration form, prepare your presentation following these recommendations and send it by 1st September 2010 to [email protected].

DI Jeannette Klonk
Tel: 05/7755-4401
Mail: [email protected]