EREF 09: European Regional Economic Forum
Developing Human Capital and Managing Migration for more Competitive European Regions

Datum08.06.2009 - 09.06.2009   ( - )


Nova Gorica, Slovenia


As on previous occasions, this year¿s event will focus on a key aspect of achieving the Lisbon Agenda. The challenge facing participants this year is: Developing Human Capital and Managing Migration for more Competitive European Regions.

Though we are generally aware that human capital is the European region¿s strongest asset, our development strategies, policies and everyday performance seem largely to ignore this important, basic fact.

Given today¿s climate of global economic crisis and the interdependence of economies, the need for a highly developed human resource base ¿ one that can create knowledge value and is mobile ¿ has grown all the more critical if Europe is to become more competitive.


Please visit for online registration and further details!
