FP7 Information day on Research for the benefit of SMEs

Datum14.03.2007   (09:30 - 17:00)


Centre Albert Borschette, room AB-0A
Rue Froissart 36
1040 - Brussels

The goal of the information day is to give the users of our SME specific activities - SMEs, SME associations and RTD perfomers, as well as multipliers such as National Contact Points (NCPs), an in depth information and training. The day will focus on the new funding scheme for "Research for SMEs" and "Research for SME associations" in order to facilitate the successful implementation of the new approach for the SME specific measures under FP7.

To register for the information day, please fill in the enclosed registration form and send it back to the following e-mail address: [email protected] not later than 8 March 2007.

Please be aware that the number of places is limited and your registration is therefore subject to a confirmation. Registrations will be treated in the order of their receipt. Together with the confirmation you will receive further details on the venue etc. Please notice that travel expenses will not be reimbursed.

Registration Form