Westbalkan Science Day in Wien: Vernetzung zwischen ForscherInnen aus Oesterreich und den Westbalkanlaendern
Networking Opportunities for Researchers

Datum13.11.2006   (09:00 - 17:00)


University of Vienna, Kleiner Festsaal
Dr.-Karl-Lueger-Ring 1
1010 - Vienna

Target group

Researchers and research managers from Austria and the Western Balkan countries




This meeting of researchers from Austria and the Western Balkan countries will take place on 13th November 2006 at the University of Vienna. The Science Day is focused on establishing and promoting networking activities (partnering) as well as strengthening existing cooperations between Austrian and Western Balkan researchers for further research activities.

The three thematic domains of the Conference are:

  • Social Sciences

  • Economics and Business Administration

  • Information Society Technologies (IST)

The morning session provides information about Austrian and European funding opportunities. The afternoon is reserved for networking, elaboration of new project ideas and discussion of future cooperation in the thematic workshops.

All researchers from Austria and the Western Balkan countries have the possibility to present their research institutions and scientific interests (institution profile, competencies, experience in international RTD cooperation) by poster presentations in the exhibition area. A short institution profile will be included in the conference documentation.

Mag. Claudia Magdalena Fabian
Tel: 01/4950442-46
Mail: [email protected]
 Programme (.pdf, 522 kb)
Event website