FP7 Food, Agriculture and Biotechnology
Be prepared for the 4th call!

Datum24.06.2009   (16:30 - 20:00)


Natural History Museum Vienna, Galleriesaal
Burgring 7
1010 - Vienna

Event Review

The upcoming call in FP7 Food, Agriculture and Biotechnology was the focus of an info event on June 24, 2009 at the Natural History Museum in Vienna. Among the 60 participants were researchers from Austria and other European countries such as France, Bulgaria or the Czech Republic. These guests from abroad were visiting the info day as part of a transnational training on Project Development and Proposal Preparation organized by the EU-initiative BIO-NET.

The event was opened by a welcoming note from the FP7 Programme Delegate, Anita Silmbrod from the Austrian Federal Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water Management.

Key data about the new call, including an overview on the Work Programme was then presented by the National Contact Point for Food, Agriculture and Biotechnology, Yasmin Dolak-Struss. The fourth call is expected to be opened on July 30, 2009, with a focus on key areas such as optimisation of primary agricultural production systems, diet-related diseases and disorders, and marine and environmental biotechnology.

Insights on how FP7 Work Programmes are designed were then given by Harald Mauser from the Federal Research and Training Centre for Forests, Natural Hazards and Landscape (BFW). As a member of the Advisory Group for Food, Agriculture and Biotechnology he presented the how topics get into the Work Programme, and the role of the Programme Committee and the Advisory Group in this process. He also stressed the possibility for researchers to give input, via the Programme Committee, the European Technology Platforms or other means such as organising workshops on important research topics.

The information part was concluded by Thomas Lewis from the Austrian SME energieautark, the coordinator of an FP7 project on Short Rotation Forestry. He shared his experience with the audience, discussing about proposal preparation, submission and the negotiation phase. He also gave his personal tips for success, among others the advise to start as early as possible with the preparation of the proposal.

In the networking session following the presentations, the participants discussed about potential research cooperations. The event was finally concluded by a visit to the roof of the museum.

The presentations can be found under "Downloads" below.


FFG European and International Programmes in cooperation with the Federal Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water Management and the European initiative BIO-NET.

FAFB Call 2010 Dolak-Struss
Advisory Group Mauser
Indicative topics 4th call FAFB