
FFG - Stimulation of Mobility and Enlargement of Career Perspectives


Stimulation of Mobility and Enlargement of Career Perspectives

The specific programme “People” in the 7th EU-Framework Programme for Research, Technological Development and Demonstration (FP7) has the objective of strengthening the human potential in research and technology in Europe. The overall strategic aim of this programme is to make Europe more attractive to researchers. This shall be done by pursuing a considerable structuring effect throughout Europe on the organisation, performance and quality of research training, on the active career development of researchers, on knowledge-sharing through researchers between sectors and research organisations, and on strong participation by women in research and development.

The mobility of the researchers, as overall objective of the programme, is supported through specific funding schemes – the Marie Curie Actions. These actions are open to all areas of research and technological development and can be freely chosen (bottom up). A high participation of enterprises, in particular of SME (Small and Medium Enterprises) as well as the improvement of the cooperation between industry and academia is of great importance. The international dimension, the gender issue and the sustainable development are taken into consideration in all actions.

 Infosheet PEOPLE 2012 (.pdf, 412 kb)

Important Notice!

Dear English-speaking visitor,

the rp7.ffg.at website is primarily designed for the Austrian research community and thus more detailed in the German language than in English.
The English version of this website contains only basic information on FP7 and partly detailed information on partner searches and the services FFG provides.

If you are German-speaking please switch to “German” for more detailed information by clicking on the link: “Deutsch” near the top right corner of the page!

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