
FFG - International Cooperation

International Cooperation

Research and Development are based on new findings, the exchange of know-how, the strengthening of existent capacities, the creation of new infrastructures and the cooperation of excellent researchers.

Only within the international context, the European Research Area can remain competitive and effective in achieving these objectives. The international scientific cooperation policy of the EU will stress and develop cooperation to generate, share and use knowledge through equitable research partnerships between the EU and third countries at bilateral, regional and global levels. On the basis of multilateral and bi-regional dialogues and through relevant bilateral cooperation agreements between the EU and these countries, specific needs and priority topics will be identified.

The international cooperation actions will be connected to mainstream policy issues in order to support fulfilling international commitments of the EU and contribute to sharing European values, competitiveness, environmental protection and welfare under the umbrella of global sustainable development.

Through multilateral coordination of national S&T strategies, the coherence of national measures for international cooperation will be improved. The aim is to exploit synergies and to cooperate in areas of mutual and global relevance.

Important Notice!

Dear English-speaking visitor,

the rp7.ffg.at website is primarily designed for the Austrian research community and thus more detailed in the German language than in English.
The English version of this website contains only basic information on FP7 and partly detailed information on partner searches and the services FFG provides.

If you are German-speaking please switch to “German” for more detailed information by clicking on the link: “Deutsch” near the top right corner of the page!

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